At room temperature when I run the samples(Factory Test ) for the M5Stickc, the temperature is being displayed as 57/58+ etc., This is certainly incorrect.
anyone facing similar issue.?
At room temperature when I run the samples(Factory Test ) for the M5Stickc, the temperature is being displayed as 57/58+ etc., This is certainly incorrect.
anyone facing similar issue.?
I'm trying to access via. c library without using arduino
I'm trying to access the MPU6866 - registers for temperature and other information from the chip. I'm reading only 0.
What is the default setting for the MPU6866 chip access. Per the invensys datasheet the CS default is SPI mode.
But I couldn't find the CS in the m5stickc schematic for MPU6866.
Can you please help to advise on this .