Hello there,
I just bought my M5Dial, i uploaded the examples and everything worked correctly. I uploaded some simple code to write a string to the display, which worked correctly and still works when i reset the unit. The problem is, that i can not upload to the board anymore. Windows detects the device and I even have it among the ports in Arduino Ide, however during the ulpoad procces I get Failed uploading: uploading error: exit status 2 which indicates that connection could not be made. I can't even open the serial monitor. Is there a way to factory reset the device? Thank you kindly in advance for you suggestions.
As you can see, the device is detected and connected:
This is the last code I have uploaded:
* @file rfid.ino
* @author SeanKwok (shaoxiang@m5stack.com)
* @brief M5Dial RFID Test
* @version 0.2
* @date 2023-10-18
* @Hardwares: M5Dial
* @Platform Version: Arduino M5Stack Board Manager v2.0.7
* @Dependent Library:
* M5GFX: https://github.com/m5stack/M5GFX
* M5Unified: https://github.com/m5stack/M5Unified
#include "M5Dial.h"
void setup() {
auto cfgM5 = M5.config();
M5Dial.begin(cfgM5, false, true);
M5Dial.Display.drawString("unibox", M5Dial.Display.width() / 2,
M5Dial.Display.height() / 2);
void loop() {}