my m5 stick c plus 2 is not working
i have a problem where i try to turn on my M5 StickC Plus 2 and the screen is on while im pressing the pwr button but its not showing any thing and the green lamp an the side is on but if i take a finger from the pwr button the screen and the lamp is off i just get the m5 stick and dont knew what to do
Please follow this instruction and see if helps:- Observe whether there are any obvious physical damage marks on the device.
- Install the device driver:
- Connect the device using a USB cable and open the device manager. Check whether the device manager page refreshes when the device is inserted, and whether a new device appears in Universal Serial Bus controllers. If not:
- If you are using USB C to C cable: First disconnect the StickCPlus2, turn off the device, and then plug in the cable (press and hold the power button until the green light turns on to indicate that it is turned off). Or replace it with an A to C cable.
- If you are using USB A to C cable: "Try to change the data cable", "Try to reinstall the driver", "Try to change the PC".
- Reburn the factory firmware:
- The screen is still black after burning:
- Press and hold the leftmost button until the green light inside turns on, then plug in the USB cable
- Observe whether the screen is black but has a faint backlight, and whether there is a beep sound when pressing the button
for start install M5Burner,
connect your M5StickCP2 via usb to pc/laptop and observe if it will detect com port,
from M5Burner you can then load latest firmware for your device.