I can't use ATOMIC Barcode/QR-Code Scanner 2 Base after factory reset
I'd like to use ATOMIC Barcode/QR-Code Scanner 2 Base via ATOM Matrix.
Before the factory reset, I was able to communicate with the module through uart.
uart = UART(1, 115200, rx=Pin(22), tx=Pin(19)) uart.init(115200, bits=7, parity=None, stop=1, timeout=100)
However, after sending the facotory reset command, we could not communicate with the module at all.
uart.write(bytes([0x32, 0x76, 0x01]))
Does anyone know how to solve this problem?
Same here. I'm using it with the M5 Atom Lite.
By pulling the TRIG PIN low, the module can still be activated. It also recognizes QR Codes.
But serial communication is broken, I2C is not supported.BR Scotty42