How do you reset position counter on the RollerCan?
I'm using the RollerCan with the Arduino library and hooked up to a CoreS3.
If I put the RollerCan into current or speed mode and run it for an hour or so, it's position counter gets to be very high, which is expected.
If I then switch to position mode and set the Position to zero....well it tries to wind back to zero from wherever the position counter is.
This is unwanted, when I switch to position mode, I also want to reset the position counter to zero, so any position I set is referenced from the current position. How can the position counter be reset?
Also is it true when in encoding mode, that as the encoder value goes up the position value goes down or am I doing something wrong?
@NickMaddock Hi Nick,
sorry that i do not have a direct answer to your question. I have a question about the Roller Unit and did not get any response from the M5 Team yet. But it should be easy to answer for your: Is the Position resolution in Position mode restricked to the encoders incremental resolution or interpolated to a finer level? I'm interested in the product but would like to use is for some kind of gimbal application (mirror steering). Therefore the resolution of the encoder might be too coarse. The datasheet of the sensor states 12bit for incremental output but 15 bit using the serial interface. Unfortunately the videos from the roller unit seem to show 12bit resolution.The question is: what is the minimal achievable setting resolution in position mode?