Unable to open m5f files

  • I created some m5f files for a core device with the cloud version some days ago.

    Now I installed the desktop version but it seems not to be possible to open these files.

    When loading, the setup block vanishes and the block area remains empty. If I don't use any UI elements, the python code remains unchanged. If the m5f file contains UI elements, these appear in the python code but not in the UI simulation area. In the python code, after the UI element definition everything is missing.
    The device is a plain M5Stack FIRE without any extensions or connections.

    Any chance to transfer the cloud versions to the desktop version? I would be glad to use both in parallel.

    Thanks for any help!

  • @truthordare The desktop version is several revisions behind the online version so that could be the issue.
    I have been told that the dev teams are working on V2.0 which should realign the desktop and online versions.

  • thank your feedback. we will fix it as soon as possible