• It seems like a poorly kept secret that this is about to be released... can you tell us exactly when?

  • They wont spill the beans and I have tried.
    I have also asked when they will fix the ENVi, II and III

  • 0_1692574364377_c58a8a4d-91c0-40ea-a620-ffd8ce257389-image.png

    They added support for "ENV IV" in the latest UIFlow2 Alpha 23 - as if they expected it to be released at the same time, so... I am assuming it is going to be very soon. [Although Twitter/X mentions ENV "Pro" which looked Gray, not white.]

    Im waiting for at least one of the following "soon" products to be available before my next big order:


    Though I wish they would release them all at once, instead of one per week. Shipping to NZ has skyrocketed, so it would be helpful if they were all available so I could buy them all in one order :(

  • Okay, so the ENV IV was released today, shuffling the component sensors again.

    This seems like the progression:

    ENV I Unit with Temperature Humidity Pressure Sensor (DHT12+BMP280)
    ENV II Unit with Temperature Humidity Environment Sensor (SHT30+BMP280)
    ENV III Unit with Temperature Humidity Air Pressure Sensor (SHT30+QMP6988)
    ENV IV Unit with Temperature Humidity Air Pressure Sensor (SHT40+BMP280)

    So, we still need
    ENV V with DHT12+QMP6988
    ENV VI with SHT40+QMP6988
    .. to complete the set

    though we also have
    M5StickC ENV Hat I (DHT12, BMP280, BMM150)
    M5StickC ENV Hat II (SHT30, BMP280, BMM150)
    M5StickC ENV Hat "II.R" (SHT30, BMP280)

    Thats another 6 possible non-HAT ENV's if we consider the BMM150

  • Looks like the upcoming "ENV PRO" is going to have the new BME668 sensor, which is awesome.



    Im not sure how much the "first gas sensor with AI" thing is just marketing, but the specs and potential on the sensor are impressive. I hope M5stack supports the full thing (with its AI training capabilities)

    "The gas sensor can detect Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs) and other gases such as carbon monoxide and hydrogen in the part per billion (ppb) range.

    Additionally to all features of the BME680, the BME688 has a gas scanner function. In standard configuration, the presence of VSCs is being detected as indicator for e.g. bacteria growth. And the gas scanner can be customized with respect to sensitivity, selectivity, data rate and power consumption as well. The BME AI-Studio tool enables customers to train the BME688 gas scanner on their specific application, like in home appliances, IoT products or Smart Home."