M5Stack Core2 Connection trouble after upload

  • Hi
    I'm new to this great M5Stack.
    My Problem exists with USB and WiFi.
    After Intial with FW Update i can Download by USB or Wifi. After that the M5Stack boots correct and display the new screen.
    Now i change anything on the uiflow and want to download again...no connect anymore.
    Also when i rest the Notebook and the M5Stack...no connection again.

    Now i upload again the Firmware and connect by USB or Wifi, now i can download the changes of the uiflow, but only one time!

    any hint's for that?

  • Is the connected text on the bottom of UIflow turning red after you send firmware?
    It could be something in your program stopping the normal UIFlow from booting or it could be the server loosing connection.

  • After FW Upgrade i see no error and no red textes.

    On the M5Stack i see a text in red which tell me reboot and then select the correct connection (or else)
    After that i can connect by USB or Wifi and download. But only one time!

  • @valbuz, This sounds correct.
    When you click Download your program is loaded to device and it resets, to run the program.
    If you want to try the program click Run for temporary load, a power cycle should clear the temporary program and UIFlow will be available again. Until you are ready to Download, you can just click Run to try your program on the device.

  • @valbuz said in M5Stack Core2 Connection trouble after upload:

    After FW Upgrade i see no error and no red textes.

    On the M5Stack i see a text in red which tell me reboot and then select the correct connection (or else)
    After that i can connect by USB or Wifi and download. But only one time!

    If you reopen M5Burner, and click on configure, you can change it from app to UIFLow mode. If you download a program the core ends up in app mode but if you press the >RUN button, the code runs in test mode but is not stored on the core.

  • hi
    thanks for all the hint's.
    i will try...and let you know

  • You are writing a program that doesn’t have WiFi setup blocks which is deactivate the WiFi. If you press reset you should have the option to re connect