Issue with Core2 AWS and Arduino (potentially the LCD screen implementation?)

  • Hello! I just bought the Core2 AWS and was playing around with it using platformio and it seemed to work just fine. The "GetingStarted" program ran without issues, LCD was working, could control it from the ESP Rainmaker app, etc.

    I then tried to do just a basic helloworld sketch that just writes "hello, world" on the LCD and I'm getting a blank screen. I don't know if the app just doesn't run or if it's the LCD implementation that's the issue. I've been reading forums, trying to get it to work for a good portion of today and tried several suggestions including:

    • Turning PSRAM off/on
    • Erase All Flash Before Sketch Upload off/on

    One other suggestion online recommended trying to set the flash size to 4 MB but it looks like 16MB is the only option currently.

    A few things I noticed is in the platformio.ini file though:

    • board_build.partitions = partitions_4MB_sec.csv
    • build_unflags = -mfix-esp32-psram-cache-issue

    Based on this, my assumption is there IS some sort of issue with the Arduino setup but I'm not entirely sure how to work around it (or if it's even possible to do so). The level of adaptability of platformIO is very impressive but the level of complication is definitely there as well. I bought this in hopes of being able to work with both so I'm hoping I can get that up and working.

    If anyone knows how to resolve this (or even has an idea of what the issue is), please let me know. Thanks!

  • Ok, I found the issue and it's a stupid mistake on my part. I had forgot that M5 Stack is the company, not the device name and had downloaded the M5Stack examples, which aren't aimed at this particular device. When I started using the M5 Core2 library, it looks like it is actually working, so that's good news. Sorry for the confusion!