#include <HardwareSerial.h> HardwareSerial Comm(1); Comm.begin(115200, SERIAL_8N1,TX_pin,RX_pin); // TX RX Comm.print("AT+IPR=115200\r"); // Set text mode Last command should return an OK. If not, it could be that you have mixed up TX and RX pins or a power issue. To read the reply from the module you could use something like this : while (millis()<wait_until) { while (Comm.available()) { ccc=Comm.read(); //Serial.print(ccc); if (k<buffer_size-1) { Receive_buffer[k]=ccc; k++; } } Receive_buffer[k]=NULL; if (strstr(Receive_buffer,StopCharArray)!=NULL) { //Serial.println("OK found"); // SIM7600_Error=0; Receive_buffer[k]=NULL; return false; } }