JavaScript error in M5Burner
What device are you using?
M5Stack Gray (purchae date 1/14/2021) and Atom MatrixWhat firmware are you using? how did you burn the firmware into the device?
version 1.7.2Version of UIFlow you are using
M5Burner Version 2.2.7
UIFlow Version 1.0.14PROBLEM 1:
Whenever I click the configuration button in M5Burner, I get the attached error message.PROBLEM 2:
(this is less of an issue than problem 1) the M5Burner screen will not resize property to my laptop resolution (which is only 1366x768) the minimum width appears to be greater than 1366. -
What OS are you using?
Have you deleted and reinstalled M5 Burner ?
Have you downloaded the firmware before burning?
Have you erased the device before writing? -
@ajb2k3 Thank you for responding.
Here is the additional information you requested:
OS is Linux Mint Version 20.1 / Ulyssa (based on Ubuntu 20.04) - kernel 5.4.0-65
I just tried the following again:
Downloaded new version of
Extracted to ~/Desktop/m5stack/M5Burner_Linux
cd ~/Desktop/m5stack/M5Burner_Linux
run the command ./M5BurnerM5Burner app opens
Select COM: /dev/ttyUSB0
Baudrate: 75000 (M5 Atom connected)
Select ATOM on the left-hand side of the window
Click the Download firmware button for the UIFLOW(MATRIX)
Download Completes successfullySelect Erase Flash
Then I get the JavaScript Error MessageSelect the Configuration Button
Then I get the same JavaScript Error Message -
If I perform the following from the command line:
M5Burner_Linux/packages/tools$ python3 erase_flashI am able to erase flash. However, if I simply run
$esptool erase_flashI get an error saying:
A fatal error occurred: ESP32 ROM does not support function erase_flash.My installed version esptool was 2.8 but the version in the appears to be 2.5.0. Is there maybe some issue with version 2.8 of esptool? The 2.8 version is what is installed if apt-get instal esptool is used.
I tried using pip3 install esptool
This has installed esptool v3.0 into
~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packagesFrom this folder I can run python3 erase_flash and it was able to erase the flash from the command line using the V3.0 esptool.
I ran the following to remove esptool v2.8:
sudo apt autoremove esptoolHowever, I am still getting the Javscript error when I click the Erase flash button inside the M5Burner App.
I have tried downloading the MACOS version from the FlowUI as I saw the Linux Instructions said to do this (at However, I do not see any folder called firmware within the Resources. If I do a search there no file.
I CAN flash using the following from the command line:
/M5Burner_Linux/packages/tools$ python3 --chip esp32 --port /dev/ttyUSB0 --baud 750000 --before default_reset write_flash -z --flash_mode dio --flash_freq 80m --flash_size detect 0x1000 /home/david/Desktop/m5stack/M5Burner_Linux/packages/fw/atom/UIFlow_Matrix-v1.7.2.binI can then connect in UIFlow if I hold the button on the Atom while plugging into USB.
However, I still cannot get the M5Burner App to work. I still get the Javascript error when I click the Configruation Button.
I got the same error, it was due to python command doesn't was valid.
I had to install "python-is-python3" package (sudo apt-get install python-is-python3) because the app tries using python and not python3.
I hope it works.
(making ln to python from python3 should work) -
@vlad29 said in JavaScript error in M5Burner:
I got the same error, it was due to python command doesn't was valid.
I had to install "python-is-python3" package (sudo apt-get install python-is-python3) because the app tries using python and not python3.
I hope it works.
(making ln to python from python3 should work)Thank you @vlad29 this is another of those python/python3 issues caused by badly setup python3 installs.
You need to look up how to set the enviromental variables in you operating system to stop the os running python 2 commands instead of python3 commands.
@ajb2k3 said in JavaScript error in M5Burner:
@vlad29 said in JavaScript error in M5Burner:
I got the same error, it was due to python command doesn't was valid.
I had to install "python-is-python3" package (sudo apt-get install python-is-python3) because the app tries using python and not python3.
I hope it works.
(making ln to python from python3 should work)Thank you @vlad29 this is another of those python/python3 issues caused by badly setup python3 installs.
You need to look up how to set the enviromental variables in you operating system to stop the os running python 2 commands instead of python3 commands.
In the Chromebook Crostini shell (Ubuntu-based VM), I was getting the exact error in this thread. There is no python-is-python3 package available, but the symlink solved it perfectly:
ln -s /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python -