touch stopped working

  • @felmue
    I loaded micropython and did the i2c scan and it did not find it.
    Arduino i2c scan did not find it either.
    I'll try it without the battery add on.
    Thanks a lot!

    I'm on my second one, after returning the first bad one.
    Bo W4GHV

  • I'm on my second one. I 'broke it' too. No touch
    Running the AWS factory test I get the following 2 errors and a 'touch not found' error.!
    ledc channel config (369) gpio num argument invalid, touch FT6336 not responding.
    i2s driver_uninstall (1999) port 0 not installed
    error message AT608A missing
    The touch error is in all modes, Arduiino, UIflow, Demo, factory test
    The odds of getting two bad units in a row are very slim. I wonder if they will let me return two?
    I really want to have fun with micropython & blockly. A fun way for a very old man to learn python.
    Help appreciated.
    I can load micropython on it and access it using the BIPES app.
    Help using it to enable what's broke might be the answer
    Bo W4GHV since '54

  • Hello @W4GHV

    not sure what's going on with your M5Core2. Could you share the Arduino code (and / or micropython code) you used to run the I2C scan?


  • @felmue Thanks for the response. The Arduino I2C scan shows no addresses

    Part of the sketch.

    • describe:I2C Scanner. I2C探测
    • date:2021/7/26


    This program scans the addresses 1-127 continuosly and shows the devices found on the TFT.
    #include <M5Core2.h>

    void setup()
    M5.begin(true,true,true,true); //Init M5Core2(Initialization of external I2C is also included). 初始化M5Core2(初始化外部I2C也包含在内)
    //Wire.begin(21, 22); //Detect internal I2C, if this sentence is not added, it will detect external I2C. 检测内部I2C,若不加此句为检测外部I2C
    M5.Lcd.setTextColor(YELLOW); //Set the font color to yellow. 设置字体颜色为黄色
    M5.Lcd.setTextSize(2); //Set the font size to 2. 设置字体大小为2
    M5.Lcd.println("M5Core2 I2C Tester"); //Print a string on the screen. 在屏幕上打印字符串
    M5.Lcd.fillScreen( BLACK ); //Make the screen full of black (equivalent to clear() to clear the screen). 使屏幕充满黑色(等效clear()清屏)

    int textColor=YELLOW;

    void loop()
    int address;
    int error;
    M5.Lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
    M5.Lcd.println("scanning Address [HEX]");
    for(address = 1; address < 127; address++ )
    Wire.beginTransmission(address); //Data transmission to the specified device address starts. 开始向指定的设备地址进行传输数据
    error = Wire.endTransmission(); /*Stop data transmission with the slave. 停止与从机的数据传输
    0: success. 成功
    1: The amount of data exceeds the transmission buffer capacity limit. 数据量超过传送缓存容纳限制
    return value: 2: Received NACK when sending address. 传送地址时收到 NACK
    3: Received NACK when transmitting data. 传送数据时收到 NACK
    4: Other errors. 其它错误 */
    M5.Lcd.print(" ");
    else M5.Lcd.print(".");



    if(textColor==YELLOW) {
    }else textColor=YELLOW;
    M5.Lcd.setTextColor(textColor,BLACK); //Set the foreground color of the text to textColor and the background color to BLACK. 设置文字的前景色为textColor背景色为BLACK

  • @felmue I have tried everything! I noted on the AWS Core2 forum there is firmware for that version. It takes a complicated PlatformIO procedure to flash it.

    It this a portion that I may have corrupted that needs to be reflashed?? I'm assuming it is not affected by the ERASE option.

    I took it apart but could not run it since the battery is there.

    It has to be a software bug in one of the programs I ran, for it to happen in TWO. It did work initially. I killed the second almost immediately.

    I left a note on the AWS M5 forum and sent one to M5stack support.

    Should I send them both back? I really want to give micropython/blocky a chance to help me learn Python.

    I wonder if I can find this available on another device.?? Any ideas greatly appreciated.
    Bo W4GHV

  • Hello @W4GHV

    M5Core2 has two I2C busses. An internal one (GPIO 21, 22) and an external one (GPIO 32,33) e.g. port A.

    The I2C scan code you've posted only scans the external I2C bus (port A). So if nothing is connected to port A the scan will find noting.

    In order to scan the internal I2C bus you'll need to modify these two lines:

        error = Wire.endTransmission();


        Wire1.beginTransmission(address); // change Wire to Wire1
        error = Wire1.endTransmission(); // change Wire to Wire1

    Without the M5GO Battery bottom2 stacked I get 34, 38 and 51. The touch IC has address 38.

    Please try the I2C scan with the above modifications on your M5Core2 and let me know the scan result.

    Note: In the M5Core2 library Wire is used for the external I2C bus and Wire1 is used for the internal I2C bus.


  • @felmue Thank you so much!
    Yep I get the same addresses now.
    So the port exists but no program works with touch.
    Is there something in the firmware that isn't normally touched by apps or erasing that is busted?

    Should I return both and buy another, if Amazon let's me?
    Thanks again.

  • For grins I modified the M5.begin()
    to include the TTTF
    and added the Wire.begin line to a other touch app to wake it up. No luck.

  • Hello @W4GHV

    ok. so we know that the touch IC is alive - that is good.

    Using M5Burner have you tried to load and run Core2_Tools or Core2FactoryTest or Core2_For_AWS firmware? Does touch work with any of these three firmwares?


  • Hello. I have Core 2 that is continuously scanning external i2c every 100ms in loop. I noticed the touch event is very unresponsive. For example: every 10 touch, only 1 or 2 was detected. However, if I disable the external i2c in loop, the touch become responsive again. Is there any way to mitigate this issue? I tried increasing the external scan delay (non blocking) to every 250ms but the result is the same.

  • Hello @albertlt

    it's difficult to say why that is happening w/o seeing the actual code you are using. Care to share your code?


  • @felmue core2 tools starts, no touch to proceed
    Factory test runs, halts at SD card missing, touch-to-skip fails.
    Inserted SD card, now error message is AT608A find failed, touch dead.
    Core2 for AWS firmware appears to be source to be compiled with platform, which I haven't conquered yet.

    I know it's a software error but am out of places to look.

    Is there a way of transferring an image from a working cube?
    What I've done twice can be done again, I'm afraid. Should I buy the third one?🤔😂
    Thanks so much for your help.

  • Hello @W4GHV

    Core2_For_AWS is a firmware binary in M5Burner as well. No need to compile anything. (Note: it's listed under CORE and not CORE2 & TOUGH.)

    As for the AT608A error. Since the AT08A is in the M5GO battery bottom 2 - did you try this with the M5GO battery bottom stacked?

    The only other idea I have, if you haven't tried that yet, is to use M5Burner to completely erase your M5Core2 before burning a new firmware.


  • @felmue , here is the code:

    String wireData;
    unsigned long prevReadMillis;
    int READ_DELAY = 100;    
    void setup() {
      Wire.begin(32, 33);
      //Init GUI
    void loop() {
    void I2CLoop(){
      if((millis() - prevReadMillis) > READ_DELAY){
        //Read 20 bytes from the slave
        length = Wire.requestFrom(I2C_ADDR, I2C_LENGTH);
        if(length == I2C_LENGTH){
        //in test environment, codes inside this if statement are never executed because I have not connected any external I2C device but the touch is already not responsive.
          wireData = "";
          wireData = Wire.readStringUntil('!');
          Serial.print(" - ");
          Serial.print("Wire Data: ");
          wireData = "";
        prevReadMillis = millis();

    GUI class codes:

    void M5GUI::begin(){
      //Setup touch buttons
      M5.Buttons.addHandler(tapEvent, E_RELEASE);
    void tapEvent(Event& e){
      Serial.print("Button: ");
    void M5GUI::loop(){
    void M5GUI::ShowScreen{
      //Create Touch Button
      ButtonColors on_clrs = {RED, WHITE, WHITE};
      ButtonColors off_clrs = {BLACK, WHITE, WHITE};
      Button btn1(BTN1_POS_X, BTN1_POS_Y, BTN_WIDTH, BTN_HEIGHT, false ,"btn1", off_clrs, on_clrs, CC_DATUM);

    Another issue is, whenever I touch the screen, the source is always "background" even though I clicked on the "btn1" coordinate. How do I make the virtual touch button to work? The only working sources are: background, physical btnA, physical btnB, and physical btnC. I can't get any virtual button to work. I plan to put several virtual button and execute different code when each button is tapped, so I need to be able to identify the correct source of event.

  • Hello @albertlt

    if I print millis() before and after the Wire.requestFrom() statement I see that the statement is blocking for about 1 second. During that time no other code is running, including checking for touch. You might want to look into tasks.

    As for the button, you'll need to add the keyword static in front of Button btn1 .... Reason: with your current code the button gets drawn but since the variable btn1 is only valid as long as ShowScreen() is executed, it no longer exists when you tap the screen.


  • @felmue Thanks a lot for pointing out the static on the button. So I am planning to place a couple buttons on the screen and put all the codes in the tapEvent() method and filter by e.objName(). Is it the correct way to do it? or is there alternative similar to: M5.BtnA.wasPressed() ? Also, how do I clear the static button when changing screen to preserve ram?

    Yes, I also realized Wire.requestFrom(); is causing the block. Is there any way to get around this issue? This make the device's UI not very user friendly when i2c is used and without i2c, this device is not very useful as a lot of modules depend on i2c :(

  • Hello @albertlt

    the documentation here should answer most of your questions. If you define your buttons outside a function then you can use btn1.wasPressed() like this:

        #include <M5Core2.h>
        Button myButton(10, 10, 200, 100, false, "I'm a button !", {BLACK, WHITE, WHITE});
        void setup() {
        void loop() {
          if (myButton.wasPressed()) Serial.print("* ");

    As for I2C - as I wrote in my last post, check out tasks.


  • @felmue Thanks reply. I see you are busy helping lots of folks.
    I think you nailed the problem.
    I need the AWS.bin file. It's not in the burner FW subdir.

    I looked everywhere on the web and only found the source. Can you send it to me?

    On + side, I got Thonny, blink, & hello going on a new ESP-WROOM-32 ESP32S!

    I'm hoping the.bin file is the solution.

  • Hello @W4GHV

    have you downloaded the Core2_For_AWS from within M5Burner?


    In my Linux setup Core2_For_AWS-v0.0.1.bin is in this path M5Burner_Linux/packages/fw/core/.


  • @felmue. The easy loader app loads the AWS firmware. And that doesn't help the touch function.

    Stubborn ( or dumb) here, I'll return these 2 and buy the non-AWS version.