I need help with a webserver project...
@crazyhorse80 I don't see anything that's obviously wrong with it. In
I would set the return value at 50 instead of 500.Usually there will be nothing to do so it will return quickly. But if there is something to do, half a second is a bit of a long time which adds to other possible timeouts elsewhere and maybe screws things up. That and turning off the errors would be my only two pieces of advice, really. If that doesn't help I don't know... -
@rop I've just tried what you said but with no luck at all (it seems to be worst than before)... It must be something related to M5Stack, 'cause if I set another Arduino with the IP of M5Stack it gets a request every minute and it works as intended to. I'l try to setup a program without M5ez and see if it works that way, maybe there's something wrong with interactions between it and the webserver part...
Thank you for all your help! -
@rop I found where the error was! I was streaming my GET request string to the client with multiple prints and while it is OK for connecting to a web site I send data to and to my MySQL database, it was not OK for the M5Stack.
I set up a buffer string, printed all my data in it and then use it to send data to my client object and now it work flawless! I got my stream of data sent every minute! -
Could you please help me with this backtrace I got few moments ago?
PC: 0x400853e3: esp_log_write at /Users/ficeto/Desktop/ESP32/ESP32/esp-idf-public/components/log/log.c line 214 EXCVADDR: 0x00000000 Decoding stack results 0x400853e3: esp_log_write at /Users/ficeto/Desktop/ESP32/ESP32/esp-idf-public/components/log/log.c line 214 0x400f54d2: __assert_func at /Users/ficeto/Desktop/ESP32/ESP32/esp-idf-public/components/bootloader_support/src/bootloader_init.c line 537 0x4008de99: vTaskEnterCritical at /Users/ficeto/Desktop/ESP32/ESP32/esp-idf-public/components/freertos/portmux_impl.inc.h line 106 0x4008fd4b: multi_heap_internal_lock at /Users/ficeto/Desktop/ESP32/ESP32/esp-idf-public/components/heap/multi_heap.c line 372 0x400903d3: multi_heap_malloc at /Users/ficeto/Desktop/ESP32/ESP32/esp-idf-public/components/heap/multi_heap_poisoning.c line 190 0x400856b5: heap_caps_malloc at /Users/ficeto/Desktop/ESP32/ESP32/esp-idf-public/components/heap/heap_caps.c line 110 0x400857b9: heap_caps_realloc at /Users/ficeto/Desktop/ESP32/ESP32/esp-idf-public/components/heap/heap_caps.c line 275 0x4008586e: heap_caps_realloc_default at /Users/ficeto/Desktop/ESP32/ESP32/esp-idf-public/components/heap/heap_caps.c line 162 0x40087799: _realloc_r at /Users/ficeto/Desktop/ESP32/ESP32/esp-idf-public/components/newlib/syscalls.c line 47 0x400ead7a: String::changeBuffer(unsigned int) at C:\Arduino-1.8.7\portable\sketchbook\hardware\espressif\esp32\cores\esp32\WString.cpp line 170 0x400eadc8: String::reserve(unsigned int) at C:\Arduino-1.8.7\portable\sketchbook\hardware\espressif\esp32\cores\esp32\WString.cpp line 158 0x400eade9: String::copy(char const*, unsigned int) at C:\Arduino-1.8.7\portable\sketchbook\hardware\espressif\esp32\cores\esp32\WString.cpp line 195 0x400eae23: String::String(char const*) at C:\Arduino-1.8.7\portable\sketchbook\hardware\espressif\esp32\cores\esp32\WString.cpp line 39 0x400d8dfa: Timezone::dateTime(long, ezLocalOrUTC_t, String) at C:\Arduino-1.8.7\portable\sketchbook\libraries\ezTime\src\ezTime.cpp line 1164 0x400d9622: Timezone::dateTime(long, String) at C:\Arduino-1.8.7\portable\sketchbook\libraries\ezTime\src\ezTime.cpp line 1154 0x400d9801: Timezone::dateTime(String) at C:\Arduino-1.8.7\portable\sketchbook\libraries\ezTime\src\ezTime.cpp line 1150 0x400e1eb3: ezClock::draw(unsigned short, unsigned short) at C:\Arduino-1.8.7\portable\sketchbook\libraries\M5ez\src\M5ez.cpp line 973 0x400de59d: ezHeader::show(String) at C:\Arduino-1.8.7\portable\sketchbook\libraries\M5ez\src\M5ez.cpp line 184 0x400d2307: remDisplayPage1() at Z:\_PVControl\M5remDisplay/M5remDisplay.ino line 164 0x400d26ba: remDisplay() at Z:\_PVControl\M5remDisplay/M5remDisplay.ino line 152 0x400d2c13: handleRoot() at Z:\_PVControl\M5remDisplay/M5remDisplay.ino line 103 0x4017b6c1: std::_Function_handler ::_M_invoke(std::_Any_data const&) at c:\arduino-1.8.7\portable\sketchbook\hardware\espressif\esp32\tools\xtensa-esp32-elf\xtensa-esp32-elf\include\c++\5.2.0/functional line 1871 0x400d5ee2: std::function ::operator()() const at c:\arduino-1.8.7\portable\sketchbook\hardware\espressif\esp32\tools\xtensa-esp32-elf\xtensa-esp32-elf\include\c++\5.2.0/functional line 2271 0x400e9bdd: FunctionRequestHandler::handle(WebServer&, HTTPMethod, String) at C:\Arduino-1.8.7\portable\sketchbook\hardware\espressif\esp32\libraries\WebServer\src\detail/RequestHandlersImpl.h line 42 0x400e9c2a: WebServer::_handleRequest() at C:\Arduino-1.8.7\portable\sketchbook\hardware\espressif\esp32\libraries\WebServer\src\WebServer.cpp line 617 0x400e9d86: WebServer::handleClient() at C:\Arduino-1.8.7\portable\sketchbook\hardware\espressif\esp32\libraries\WebServer\src\WebServer.cpp line 320 0x400d3a44: serveClients() at Z:\_PVControl\M5remDisplay/M5remDisplay.ino line 64 0x400dbb68: M5ez::yield() at C:\Arduino-1.8.7\portable\sketchbook\libraries\M5ez\src\M5ez.cpp line 1736 0x400dbbb4: ezButtons::poll() at C:\Arduino-1.8.7\portable\sketchbook\libraries\M5ez\src\M5ez.cpp line 612 0x400d26c2: remDisplay() at Z:\_PVControl\M5remDisplay/M5remDisplay.ino line 154 0x400d2c13: handleRoot() at Z:\_PVControl\M5remDisplay/M5remDisplay.ino line 103 0x4017b6c1: std::_Function_handler ::_M_invoke(std::_Any_data const&) at c:\arduino-1.8.7\portable\sketchbook\hardware\espressif\esp32\tools\xtensa-esp32-elf\xtensa-esp32-elf\include\c++\5.2.0/functional line 1871 0x400d5ee2: std::function ::operator()() const at c:\arduino-1.8.7\portable\sketchbook\hardware\espressif\esp32\tools\xtensa-esp32-elf\xtensa-esp32-elf\include\c++\5.2.0/functional line 2271 0x400e9bdd: FunctionRequestHandler::handle(WebServer&, HTTPMethod, String) at C:\Arduino-1.8.7\portable\sketchbook\hardware\espressif\esp32\libraries\WebServer\src\detail/RequestHandlersImpl.h line 42 0x400e9c2a: WebServer::_handleRequest() at C:\Arduino-1.8.7\portable\sketchbook\hardware\espressif\esp32\libraries\WebServer\src\WebServer.cpp line 617 0x400e9d86: WebServer::handleClient() at C:\Arduino-1.8.7\portable\sketchbook\hardware\espressif\esp32\libraries\WebServer\src\WebServer.cpp line 320 0x400d3a44: serveClients() at Z:\_PVControl\M5remDisplay/M5remDisplay.ino line 64 0x400dbb68: M5ez::yield() at C:\Arduino-1.8.7\portable\sketchbook\libraries\M5ez\src\M5ez.cpp line 1736 0x400dbbb4: ezButtons::poll() at C:\Arduino-1.8.7\portable\sketchbook\libraries\M5ez\src\M5ez.cpp line 612 0x400d26c2: remDisplay() at Z:\_PVControl\M5remDisplay/M5remDisplay.ino line 154 0x400d2c13: handleRoot() at Z:\_PVControl\M5remDisplay/M5remDisplay.ino line 103 0x4017b6c1: std::_Function_handler ::_M_invoke(std::_Any_data const&) at c:\arduino-1.8.7\portable\sketchbook\hardware\espressif\esp32\tools\xtensa-esp32-elf\xtensa-esp32-elf\include\c++\5.2.0/functional line 1871 0x400d5ee2: std::function ::operator()() const at c:\arduino-1.8.7\portable\sketchbook\hardware\espressif\esp32\tools\xtensa-esp32-elf\xtensa-esp32-elf\include\c++\5.2.0/functional line 2271 0x400e9bdd: FunctionRequestHandler::handle(WebServer&, HTTPMethod, String) at C:\Arduino-1.8.7\portable\sketchbook\hardware\espressif\esp32\libraries\WebServer\src\detail/RequestHandlersImpl.h line 42 0x400e9c2a: WebServer::_handleRequest() at C:\Arduino-1.8.7\portable\sketchbook\hardware\espressif\esp32\libraries\WebServer\src\WebServer.cpp line 617 0x400e9d86: WebServer::handleClient() at C:\Arduino-1.8.7\portable\sketchbook\hardware\espressif\esp32\libraries\WebServer\src\WebServer.cpp line 320 0x400d3a44: serveClients() at Z:\_PVControl\M5remDisplay/M5remDisplay.ino line 64 0x400dbb68: M5ez::yield() at C:\Arduino-1.8.7\portable\sketchbook\libraries\M5ez\src\M5ez.cpp line 1736 0x400dbbb4: ezButtons::poll() at C:\Arduino-1.8.7\portable\sketchbook\libraries\M5ez\src\M5ez.cpp line 612 0x400d26c2: remDisplay() at Z:\_PVControl\M5remDisplay/M5remDisplay.ino line 154
@crazyhorse80 Looks like it somehow crashed while M5ez was printing the on-screen clock, but no clue why. Try turning off the on-screen clock... Shouldn't do this no matter what though.
I need the clock... :( I have that same error every 5 / 7 minutes, it restarts and works for a few minutes again and so on...
Maybe I can do some test without the clock to see if it is the cause of the problem... -
@crazyhorse80 Maybe show the whole code you're running now?
@rop Here's what my full code looks like at the moment:
#include <M5Stack.h> #include <ezTime.h> #include <M5ez.h> #include <WiFi.h> #include <WiFiClient.h> #include <WebServer.h> #include <ESPmDNS.h> #include "images.h" #define MAIN_DECLARED WebServer rDserver(1980); byte remYear = 0; // Current PVControl server Year byte remMonth = 0; // Current PVControl server Month byte remDay = 0; // Current PVControl server Day byte remHour = 0; // Current PVControl server Hour byte remMinute = 0; // Current PVControl server Minute float GenE = 0; // Last Generated Energy float UseE = 0; // Last Consumed Energy float TtGE = 0; // Last to the Grid Energy float FtGE = 0; // Last from the Grid Energy int GenP = 0; // Last Generated Power int UseP = 0; // Last Consumed Power int NetP = 0; // Last Net Power void setup() { #include <themes/default.h> #include <themes/dark.h> ezt::setDebug(NONE); ez.begin(); if (ez.wifi.indexForSSID("xxx") == -1) { ez.wifi.add("xxx", "xxx"); ez.wifi.writeFlash(); } MDNS.begin("remdisplay1"); rDserver.on("/", handleRoot); rDserver.onNotFound(handleNotFound); rDserver.begin(); dacWrite(25,0); // Speaker mute ez.addEvent(serveClients, 3000); ezMenu mainmenu("remDisplay"); // mainmenu.txtSmall(); mainmenu.addItem("PVControl", remDisplay); mainmenu.addItem("Settings", mainmenu_image); // mainmenu.addItem("Updates via https", mainmenu_ota); mainmenu.upOnFirst("last|up"); mainmenu.downOnLast("first|down"); mainmenu.run(); } void loop() { } uint16_t serveClients() { rDserver.handleClient(); return 50; } void handleRoot() { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < rDserver.headers(); i++) { //debug only Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(rDserver.headerName(i)); Serial.print(": "); Serial.println(rDserver.header(i)); } for (uint8_t i = 0; i < rDserver.args(); i++) { //debug only Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(rDserver.argName(i)); Serial.print(": "); Serial.println(rDserver.arg(i)); } if(rDserver.args() == 7) { if((rDserver.argName(0) != "r") || (rDserver.argName(1) != "da") || (rDserver.argName(2) != "ti") || (rDserver.argName(3) != "v1") || (rDserver.argName(4) != "v2") || (rDserver.argName(5) != "v3") || (rDserver.argName(6) != "v4")) { rDserver.send(400, "text/plain", " Bad Request"); return; } else { rDserver.send(200, "text/plain", " OK"); remYear = atoi(rDserver.arg(1).substring(0,3).c_str()); remMonth = atoi(rDserver.arg(1).substring(4,5).c_str()); remDay = atoi(rDserver.arg(1).substring(6,7).c_str()); remHour = atoi(rDserver.arg(2).substring(0,1).c_str()); remMinute = atoi(rDserver.arg(2).substring(2,3).c_str()); GenE = atoi(rDserver.arg(3).c_str()); GenP = atoi(rDserver.arg(4).c_str()); UseE = atoi(rDserver.arg(5).c_str()); UseP = atoi(rDserver.arg(6).c_str()); NetP = GenP - UseP; // Last Net Power remDisplay(); } } else { rDserver.send(400, "text/plain", " Bad Request"); return; } } void handleNotFound() { String message = "File Not Found\n\n"; message += "URI: "; message += rDserver.uri(); message += "\nMethod: "; message += (rDserver.method() == HTTP_GET) ? "GET" : "POST"; message += "\nArguments: "; message += rDserver.args(); message += "\n"; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < rDserver.args(); i++) { message += " " + rDserver.argName(i) + ": " + rDserver.arg(i) + "\n"; } rDserver.send(404, "text/plain", message); } void mainmenu_image() { ezMenu images; images.imgBackground(TFT_BLACK); images.imgFromTop(40); images.imgCaptionColor(TFT_WHITE); images.addItem(sysinfo_jpg, "System Information", sysInfo); images.addItem(wifi_jpg, "Built-in wifi & other settings", ez.settings.menu); images.addItem(wifi_jpg, "WiFi Settings", ez.wifi.menu); images.addItem(about_jpg, "About remDisplay", about); images.addItem(sleep_jpg, "Power Off", powerOff); images.addItem(return_jpg, "Back"); images.run(); } void powerOff() { m5.powerOFF(); } void about() { ez.msgBox("About remDisplay", ""); } String exit_buttonrD = "Exit"; void remDisplay() { remDisplayPage1(); while (true) { String btn = ez.buttons.poll(); if (btn == "up") remDisplayPage1(); if (btn == "down") remDisplayPage2(); if (btn == "Exit") break; } } void remDisplayPage1() { const byte tab = 120; ez.screen.clear(); ez.header.show("PVControl (1/2)"); ez.buttons.show("#" + exit_buttonrD + "#down"); ez.canvas.font(&FreeSans9pt7b); ez.canvas.lmargin(10); ez.canvas.println(""); ez.canvas.print("Produzione:"); ez.canvas.x(tab);ez.canvas.print(GenP); ez.canvas.println(" W"); ez.canvas.x(tab); ez.canvas.print(GenE / 1000); ez.canvas.println(" kWh"); ez.canvas.print("Consumo:"); ez.canvas.x(tab); ez.canvas.print(UseP); ez.canvas.println(" W"); ez.canvas.x(tab); ez.canvas.print(UseE / 1000); ez.canvas.println(" kWh"); ez.canvas.print("Immissione:"); ez.canvas.x(tab); if(NetP > 0) ez.canvas.print(NetP); else ez.canvas.print("0"); ez.canvas.println(" W"); ez.canvas.x(tab); ez.canvas.println(" kWh"); ez.canvas.print("Prelievo:"); ez.canvas.x(tab); if(NetP < 0) ez.canvas.print(abs(NetP)); else ez.canvas.print("0"); ez.canvas.println(" W"); ez.canvas.x(tab); ez.canvas.println(" kWh"); } void remDisplayPage2() { const byte tab = 140; ez.screen.clear(); ez.header.show("PVControl (2/2)"); ez.buttons.show("up#" + exit_buttonrD + "#"); ez.canvas.font(&FreeSans9pt7b); ez.canvas.lmargin(10); ez.canvas.println(""); ez.canvas.print("Free RAM:"); ez.canvas.x(tab); ez.canvas.println(String((long)ESP.getFreeHeap()) + " bytes"); ez.canvas.print("Min. free seen:"); ez.canvas.x(tab); ez.canvas.println(String((long)esp_get_minimum_free_heap_size()) + " bytes"); }
It's only a part of what I want to achieve and here I'll try to explain what my project should do when it'll be complete:
every minute my M5Stack will receive from another Arduino board an HTTP GET request with data and it stores them in global variables and eventually does some operation with them;
it should have a multi-page view to show data received and stored in variables (one displays data in numeric form, another will display them in graphs, another one will only change screen background color and make some noise based on data received, and maybe some more);
it also should have access to the menus to change wi-fi and screen preferences and some more options related to my program (sound volume, default page to display on startup and so on).
I'd also like to have some more widgets:
one will have to show me if data received is older than one minute (it means I've lost connection with the Arduino board);
another one will have to show the current energy billing band based on what time and day of week it is.
The problem with M5ez, and ESP32 in general, is that I've no clue of where to put my code: do I have to do all in loop() function? Or should I register various functions with ez.addEvent()? Or should I do it some other way? I'm a bit confused... Can you show me a proof of concept application using M5ez (even if not related to my needs, so I could understand how it works)? -
@crazyhorse80 在 I need help with a webserver project... 中说:
It's only a part of what I want to achieve and here I'll try to explain what my project should do when it'll be complete:
- every minute my M5Stack will receive from another Arduino board an HTTP GET request with data and it stores them in global variables and eventually does some operation with them;
- it should have a multi-page view to show data received and stored in variables (one displays data in numeric form, another will display them in graphs, another one will only change screen background color and make some noise based on data received, and maybe some more);
- it also should have access to the menus to change wi-fi and screen preferences and some more options related to my program (sound volume, default page to display on startup and so on).
I'd also like to have some more widgets: - one will have to show me if data received is older than one minute (it means I've lost connection with the Arduino board);
another one will have to show the current energy billing band based on what time and day of week it is.
The problem with M5ez, and ESP32 in general, is that I've no clue of where to put my code: do I have to do all in loop() function? Or should I register various functions with ez.addEvent()? Or should I do it some other way? I'm a bit confused... Can you show me a proof of concept application using M5ez (even if not related to my needs, so I could understand how it works)?
Zooming out and looking at your propject:
Have you considered using mqtt ? I'm no expert, but it seems built for jobs that involve getting values from A to B, figuring out if the sending side is still there, etc etc. All sorts of Arduino libraries for sending and receiving end.
How to switch between functionality that runs concurrently is always an issue, and there are often more ways to accomplish the same thing. So don't worry too much if it seems hard now. It gets easier to wrap one's head around the program flow with experience, and it sucks in the beginning.
Specifically for this project:
To make widgets, after reading the user manual it's probably best to study the clock-related code in M5ez.cpp to see how it does its widget things.
All web handling is done by the webserver code which you have placed in M5ez's main loop with
. The difference between placing code there and placing it in your sketch'sloop()
function is thatloop()
is not called when M5ez is waiting for input (like in menus, msgBox, etc etc). -
There is a way to add your own items to the M5ez settings menu. It's in the manual, but again: also look at how it's done inside M5ez.cpp, for example with the clock code.
Good luck!
Thanks for your help, I'll try to follow your directions in the following days.