M5Dial and graphics and canvas and sprite: why so hard to figure out??
I am trying to do sprites or canvas or something in the M5 Dial and had a hell of a time getting it to work. In the end I am not sure I did it right.
I see things about canvas and sprites but I don't know the relationship, and I can't figure out what is a M5Dial call, M5Canvas or what.
In the end I did:
M5GFX display;
M5Canvas canvas(&display);then followed with:
auto cfg = M5.config();
M5Dial.begin(cfg, true, true);
display.begin();seems inconsistent but worked.
In my loop I did:
canvas.createSprite(240, 240);
canvas.drawString("The Title", M5Dial.Display.width() / 2, 15);
display.endWrite();In the rest of my code I always did stuff like:
M5Dial.Display.drawString("To Print", 30, 90);Are there M5Dial.Display equivalents to what I am trying to do?
The display is silky smooth without flickering now but I don't quite get it.