RGB Neopixel Stripe

  • in UIFlow 2 i get for RGB
    rgb_0 = RGBUnit((1, 2), 60)
    Why 2 Pins? normaly Neopixel uses 1 Output Pin
    if i switch to custom setup , UIFlow will also ask for Input and Output
    How can i generate
    rgb_0 = RGBUnit(2, 60) (output on port B; G2 ) no Input Pin
    I need G1 Port for a other Input
    Or can i use the normal Micropython Neopixel port?
    n = neopixel.NeoPixel(pin, 60)

  • It because the RGB is a subclass of unit which is the top level class for controlling all units. Just set both numbers to the same pin

  • Hello @taunushexe

    as @ajb2k3 mentioned only one GPIO (the second one) is used for the RGB unit. So the other GPIO can still be used as input. I created an example which uses GPIO1 as input to control the color of the three RGB LEDs in the RGB unit.

    See UIFlow2 Project Zone : M5Dial_RGBUnit_GPIO1_as_input_UIFlow2.0.4
