CARD Computer SD card can't format

  • Today I received my CARD Computer and I'm loving it's design. I was playing around with the included apps and I ran into a problem with the notes app. I tried 3 different SD cards but none of them can be formatted. I get the following error message.

    SD card mount failed
    Press enter to try again
    ctrl + q to quit
    ctrl +f to format

    Naturally, I press ctrl + f to format the card, but I get another error.

    Failed to mount SD card, 
    is it inserted?
    Press enter to continue

    Any tips for getting past these errors?

  • What SDcards did you try?
    Also use a proper formatting program to format the cards to MSDOS fat format.

  • The SD cards I tried are shown below.

    • Micro Center Micro SD XC 128GB
    • Lexar Micro SD HC 4GB
    • SP Micro SD HC 4GB

    sd cards

    I took your advice and I used gparted on all of them. I created a msdos partition table, then created a fat16 primary partition table. I was seeing the same errors from my initial post.

    I tried fat32 as well. I was seeing the same errors.

  • The 128 won’t work as its way to big, the 4g should work. Do they work on a computer?

  • Ok, 128GB too big, that makes sense. Yes the two cards work on a computer when I use a USB adapter. I can read and write to them both. Could it be the HC part that's incompatible? These are all cards I used to use on a GoPro camera so they have the SD HC attribute. Haven't had any luck yet with them on the Cardputer. I'm looking around for other SD cards to test.