"ESPAsyncWebServer" equivalent working with LAN Module 13.2 ?
General informations :
- M5Stack Core 2
- LAN Module 13.2
- Using PlatformIO with platform=platformio/espressif32@^6.9.0 & board=m5stack-core2
- M5Stack powered by USB-C
Problem :
I'm trying to run a web server on my M5Stack and I'll need the benefits of async to do parallel processing.Unfortunately the best-known lib “ESPAsyncWebServer” doesn't seem to be ethernet compatible, and I can't get its variant for ethernet to work with W5500, even with their example program.
Do you know of another library that would work, or if you can get the example library to work?
Thanks for your time!
By the way, I get this info when I run it, I think the pins are wrong but no idea what to put here 😅
Start AsyncSimpleServer_ESP32_W5500 on M5Stack Core2 with ESP32_W5500 AsyncWebServer_ESP32_W5500 v1.6.4 for core v2.0.0+ Default SPI pinout: SPI_HOST:2 MOSI:23 MISO:19 SCK:18 CS:5 INT:4 SPI Clock (MHz):25
Hi @msauv
Looking at the log, maybe the pin configuration is wrong? You can check the corresponding pins of Core2 and LAN13.2 here.
Thanks @kuriko for your reply!
With this informations I tried with this pins without success :
#define INT_GPIO 35
#define MOSI_GPIO 23
#define MISO_GPIO 38
#define SCK_GPIO 18
#define CS_GPIO 33I think there must be weird things happening in the SPI initialization with M5.begin() and all that, in any case this code doesn't work:
#include <Arduino.h> #include <M5Unified.h> #include <M5Module_LAN.h> #include <SPI.h> #define _ASYNC_WEBSERVER_LOGLEVEL_ 2 M5Module_LAN LAN; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Optional values to override default settings // Don't change unless you know what you're doing #define ETH_SPI_HOST SPI3_HOST #define SPI_CLOCK_MHZ 25 // Must connect INT to GPIOxx or not working #define INT_GPIO 35 #define MOSI_GPIO 23 #define MISO_GPIO 38 #define SCK_GPIO 18 #define CS_GPIO 33 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include <AsyncTCP.h> #include <AsyncWebServer_ESP32_W5500.h> AsyncWebServer server(80); const char *PARAM_MESSAGE = "message"; void notFound(AsyncWebServerRequest *request) { request->send(404, "text/plain", "Not found"); } void setup() { M5.begin(); Serial.begin(115200); if (esp_netif_init() != ESP_OK) { Serial.println("main::setup(): Error: Unable to initialize network interface"); } uint8_t cs_pin = 33; uint8_t rst_pin = 0; uint8_t int_pin = 35; SPI.begin(SCK, MISO, MOSI, -1); LAN.setResetPin(rst_pin); LAN.reset(); LAN.init(cs_pin); Serial.print(F("\nStart AsyncSimpleServer_ESP32_W5500 on ")); Serial.print(ARDUINO_BOARD); Serial.print(F(" with ")); Serial.println(SHIELD_TYPE); Serial.println(ASYNC_WEBSERVER_ESP32_W5500_VERSION); Serial.println("Default SPI pinout:"); Serial.println("SPI_HOST:" + String(ETH_SPI_HOST)); Serial.println("MOSI:" + String(MOSI_GPIO)); Serial.println("MISO:" + String(MISO_GPIO)); Serial.println("SCK:" + String(SCK_GPIO)); Serial.println("CS:" + String(CS_GPIO)); Serial.println("INT:" + String(INT_GPIO)); Serial.println("SPI Clock (MHz):" + String(SPI_CLOCK_MHZ)); Serial.println("========================="); /////////////////////////////////// // To be called before ETH.begin() ESP32_W5500_onEvent(); // bool begin(int MISO_GPIO, int MOSI_GPIO, int SCLK_GPIO, int CS_GPIO, int INT_GPIO, int SPI_CLOCK_MHZ, // int SPI_HOST, uint8_t *W5500_Mac = W5500_Default_Mac); // ETH.begin( MISO_GPIO, MOSI_GPIO, SCK_GPIO, CS_GPIO, INT_GPIO, SPI_CLOCK_MHZ, ETH_SPI_HOST ); Serial.print("Network::connectEthernet(): Connecting to Ethernet with DHCP "); byte mac[] = {0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0xED}; if (!Ethernet.begin(mac)) { Serial.println("Network::connectEthernet(): DHCP failed, aborting"); } EthernetLinkStatus linkStatus; while ((linkStatus = Ethernet.linkStatus()) != LinkON) { Serial.print("."); delay(100); } Serial.println(" ...Connection established!"); Serial.println("Network::connectEthernet(): IP address : " + LAN.localIP().toString()); Serial.println("Network::connectEthernet(): Subnet mask : " + LAN.subnetMask().toString()); Serial.println("Network::connectEthernet(): Gateway IP : " + LAN.gatewayIP().toString()); Serial.println("Network::connectEthernet(): DNS : " + LAN.dnsServerIP().toString()); ESP32_W5500_waitForConnect(); /////////////////////////////////// server.on("/", HTTP_GET, [](AsyncWebServerRequest *request) { request->send(200, "text/plain", "Hello, world from AsyncSimpleServer_ESP32_W5500"); }); // Send a GET request to <IP>/get?message=<message> server.on("/get", HTTP_GET, [](AsyncWebServerRequest *request) { String message; if (request->hasParam(PARAM_MESSAGE)) { message = request->getParam(PARAM_MESSAGE)->value(); } else { message = "No message sent"; } request->send(200, "text/plain", "Hello, GET: " + message); }); // Send a POST request to <IP>/post with a form field message set to <message> server.on("/post", HTTP_POST, [](AsyncWebServerRequest *request) { String message; if (request->hasParam(PARAM_MESSAGE, true)) { message = request->getParam(PARAM_MESSAGE, true)->value(); } else { message = "No message sent"; } request->send(200, "text/plain", "Hello, POST: " + message); }); server.onNotFound(notFound); server.begin(); } void loop() { delay(1000); }