3 things kind of odd in UIFlow2
Hi , I'm a M5Stack Fans. I'm reporting 3 thing that kind of odd in using UIFlow2.0.
(with PaperS3) While setting Wifi in UIFlow (Micropython Mode), always fail , until I refresh config setting.
Because I'm using UIFlow in my home after work, and in office while working. Can't link to wifi by coding, but only can do that by flash configration. -
I'm working with M5 vlw font converting tool. (It's owesome!! ) But it perfectly work in M5.Lcd.loadFont. But fail in drawing in buffer that built by M5.Lcd.newCanvas. (showing some random dots....)
---> this also happend in PaperS3. -
Maybe memory too small. Some code with class that inherit from the other class. It's FAIL in M5StickC, but almost success in other product. (I try it in StickC+, Stick+2, AtomS3, Core2, and, M5Paper)
@phillipsback If you cant access the UIFlow servers at work, it is because the work firewalls are blocking access to the server. This is a common issue and you will need to visit your IT manager about this.
My Bad... I like to clear some mistake of my post.
Excuse for my bad english. What I'm saying is when I use python code like "wifi.connect(SSID, PW)". It will fail , unless reflash configurate setting with M5Burner to the same SSID and Password setting as code.
vlw font work perfectly when I change the code from "Buf=M5.Lcd.newCanvas(130,50,1,True)" to "Buf=M5.Lcd.newCanvas(130,50,16,True)". I think this might support 16bit sprite only.
That only happen when I use the second UART in M5StickC (although this could be done in UIFLOW1.0).