Problem with Lists over ESP-now in Blocky
Hello all.
i don't know it is a bug or it is my mistake.
On a single m5 controller i create a list with multible entrys.
Exempel for ENV 3 Unit can i use a generate a list with 3 records for each sensor.
When i using a label on this list the display show me [24.4334, 43.4765, 95340]Now i take this list and use the in Blocky List > in List [variableswithlist] get # [1] and so on, can i show for each record a single value on display correctly. Wonderfull.
So i take a other M5-controller with the exemple ENV III Unit and creathe exact the same list and i send it over ESP-NOW or UART to another M5-Controller and the reciver show me the same string on display [24.4334, 43.4765, 95340] and i want to split this for every with List > in List [variableswithlist] get # [1] label show a single value doesn't work.
On Display show me only a first single charakter if get # [1] in label for example [ for ESP-NOW
Or wenn i using UART show two charakter and the position is not apparent.Ok, i found a alternative. I can use List > in List [variableswithlist] get sub-list from # [1] to # [5]
This is ok if list length stable, but if this dynamic is this feathure uselessI've been playing for 6 hours today trying to solve this problem with no success.
My goal is i place three or four M5StickC with YUN Hat for watching Temperatur, Humity and Pressure and send this information over EPS-Now to my M5Core2 and show me all M5StickC Devices at Display and store the Data to SD-Card.
I hope someone can help me there. Thanks
Best regards.
@nabstar Did you ever find a solution for this? I’m having a similar problem