new folders
How can I create new folders on the M5Stack under VSC?
Hi @Wolli01 although there is a little plus button next to each folder once you have connected your m5stack to vscode, this will only generate files. To create a folder you need to open a terminal in vscode or your native terminal application on your computer, start a serial communication with
screen /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART 115200
then hit ctrl + c to kill any current processes
typeimport os
to import the python operating system module which will allow you to browse the file system, create folders, delete files etc..then use the command
mkdir('name of folder')
to create a new folder with a name of your choice -
@lukasmaximus Thank You
I'm trying to do this on the M5StickC and the "mkdir" command doesn't work. It just says "NameError: name 'mkdir' isn't defined"
Is there a different module on the M5StickC that holds these file system commands?