M5stick C compiling issue

  • Usually when press run, the code will upload and the device will run the program accordingly, but as of recent, I have to reboot the device so it will run the program
    Anyone knows a solution to this, or is this device damaged?

  • Now when i plug in the device, its says device cannot be recognised

  • what PC system are you used ? are you used UIFlow Desktop IDE ? could you provide more information about this problem?

  • @eternalgrace94 said in M5stick C compiling issue:

    Usually when press run, the code will upload and the device will run the program accordingly, but as of recent, I have to reboot the device so it will run the program
    Anyone knows a solution to this, or is this device damaged?

    I get this from time to time especially when im updating code several times in quick succession, and yeh, I just do a full restart.

    If you have issues connecting to the UIFlow Website it may be due to server load as there are alot of people trying to access the server.