How to control lots of Neopixel
Thank you for your reply~
So I need more than 21A !!
I wonder if M5Stack can do with huge amp... -
@osc you will need a slightly different cable to use the PSU and you would connect like this.
You can actually power up arduino/m5stack from USB or any other source, just make sure all grounds are connected (black wire)
Thank you for nice tips!
I understand how PSU and then, I'm researching how connect multiple LED strips.
I think I just need a hub for controlling each strips.
Maybe like above unit? -
I hope I can make it with supplying from USB Power like Apple USB adaptor!
Could you tell me more detail about that? -
@osc all each strip needs is data and gnd from the M5Stack. My lead can be used on any USB adapter that can provide enough power. The power supply you linked to only needs the 5V and gnd connected to the strip but both the supply and the M5Stack must have the gnd connected together.
In addition if you have a pattered you want duplicated on a second strip you can connect strips together in parallel
@osc Considering strip will drain >10 A current you can compare it with apple adaptor output. Strips usually come with power source unit which provide heavy load
Thank you for your kind explanation!
So I almost can't M5Stack's unit cable which I bought haha.
I just wonder which pins of M5Stack could I connect to?
I know M5Stack has only two DAC pins.
Could you tell me which good extension device??
thank you so much! -
Thank you for you good tips!
So I should two adaptor like below.
or this? That's too expensive.. -
Thank you for your fast reply!
I would check my schedule!~ -
@osc Port A is ok for RGB LEDS, all you need to do is provide additional pins to the black and red wires.
Black, white and yellow remain connected between the M5Stack snd the leds
I need to make a picture :(
@Thrasher not all LED strips come with power supplies, Most RGB/neopixel/WS2812/SK6812 come without power supplies. -
Thank you for your precise explanation!
So I can still use M5Stack's unit cable and PaHub!I checked PaHub code above example here and tried to use UIflow. I can't click the number and can't expect how programming..
Maybe I have to ask other question thread~
Thank you so much!V14.3

@osc Looks like you have discovered a bug however you don't need the hub to control the LEDS
Also you dont need the i2c block -
So how could I add more pin for controlling five strips each from portA?? -
@osc Each strip has data in and data out. you connect data in of the first strip to the m5stack and then the data in of the next strip is connected to data out of the first.
Go hardcore. 74HC595
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