M5StickC-Plus issue with integrated LED

  • Hi,
    I have M5StickC-Plus with UIFlow V1.9.2 and
    when I follow the tutorial to turn on the led, it's the ir transmitter that lights up. I see it while filming with my smartphone.

    I reflashed the factorytest and the ir transmitter does not light up when I am on the ir test program.

    Could there be an address error for the LED and the ir transmitter?

  • Hello @Kinou3000

    on my M5StickCPlus the visible LED turns on / off as it should using the blocks LED - LED ON and LED - LED OFF. So I am not sure what is going on.

    BTW: the visible LED (red) is closer to the edge of the M5StickCPlus.


  • It could be the pins are wrong, The IR is on GPIO9 and the red on gpio10.