Micropython from VSCode on Cores3

  • I apologize if this question is addressed elsewhere, since it seems basic,

    I am going to put off trying to use UIFLOW2 on the CoreS3 until more functionality is implemented there. I know it is still in Alpha, I am excited for the possibilities.

    So I am going to try and use MIcropython instead

    But does the micropython extention for VS Code work with the CoreS3? The instructions indicate the need to set the Core into USB mode, but the examples used in the walkthrough are the older Core devices, and the CoreS3 doesnt appear to have a boot up menu to set into USB Mode.

    So VS code spins its wheels trying to connect to the Comm port. Ive tried the bootloader com port (with the Cores3 in bootloader mode) and the UIFLOW2 com port when it starts up with the UIFlow2 firmware) but VS code never successfully connects when I try to "Add M5Stack" and choose either of those COMM ports.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Eventually I would like to contribute to this platform.

  • I don't know, I don't get on well with VScode and generally use the Thonny IDE for Micropython coding.

  • Good-day,

    have you had any success with the Core S3 and VSCode?

    Thank you