ATOM S3, How to switch to online programming mode?

  • I am programing ATOM S3 with UIFlow2.
    After downloading the program to the ATOM S3, I would like to re-enter Programing mode (internet mode) to rewrite the program from UIFlow.
    How can I switch to this programming mode?

  • There is a button press sequence but the easiest is to use M5Burner and change the configuration to programming mode

  • Thanks!
    When I power up with pressing LCD button, I could enter programing mode.
    Also, when the power was turned on again after this (without pressing the LCD button), it was confirmed that the programming mode was continued.
    Were the Downloaded programs erased from the ATOM when I switched to programming mode?
    I can get back into App mode by downloading again from UIFlow, but is it possible to get back into App mode without doing so?

    For example, if I accidentally hold down the LCD and connect it to the power supply while using/demonstrating program on ATOM S3, can I return to my program by ATOM itself?, or do I have to write the program again (Need PC)?

  • As far as I am aware, the last program should remain in the memory and switching back to app mode should run it again.

  • I hope last program still remain in the memory.
    Do you know how to switching back to app mode?

  • By pressing the screen on boot or use M5Burner to get into app mode

  • @ajb2k3 said in ATOM S3, How to switch to online programming mode?:

    By pressing the screen on boot
    My case, This is to enter programing mode. not come back to App mode.
    My version is UIFlow2.0 Alpha28. what version did you success this way?

    M5Burner to get into app mode
    This doesn't work.
    I did following step. Please advice if the step is wrong.

    1. Open M5 burner and select ATOM S3.
    2. Connect USB to ATOM S3, hold reset button dew second until internal LED turn on.
    3. Click "Configure" of UIFlow2.0
    4. Change Boot option to "Run directly"
    5. Click next to burning the setting
    6. once window shows "success", remove USB from Atom S3 and re-connect

    After this step, the program does not start.
    The window is just black screen.
    What version of UIFlow are you using?