M5stickC plus Save power
Hi everybody.,
I am working on making the m5stickC plus run as energy-efficiently as possible.
The above code is possible to save energy on the m5stickC plus.
Now I use external modules that are connected to the 5Vout. actually I want the 5Vout to go out too.
The DOCS of m5stick states that you can communicate with the AXP192 Chip via I2C (21,22).
With this I want to disable the IPSout and enable it again.What code can I use for this? And do you have any more ideas about what I can do?
I program in VScode and with an extension vscode-m5stack-mpyP.S. I asked AI to write some code for this and came up with the following
as you probably understand the code doesn't work -
At the moment I am using the following code to save energy.
screenlight turn off, not the backlight.
axp.setLcdBrightness(0)wifi turn off
wlan = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF)
wlan.active(False)but still the total curent use is 150-200mA