How to turn off sounds on ATOM QR Code Reader?

  • I have the Atom QR Code reader and it's working nicely. I like the continuous mode (as I support disabled users who cannot touch buttons.)
    ATOM QR Code Kit

    Unfortunately I've tried sending the appropriate commands to turn off the sounds and nothing works. Any ideas?

    See the Full Testing Example

    The following binary commands are documented here.

    • Startup
    uint8_t wakeup_cmd       = 0x00;
            9600, SERIAL_8N1, 22,
    • Startup "boot" sound (still makes startup sound)
    uint8_t bootSoundProhibit[]   = {0x08, 0xC6, 0x04, 0x08, 0x00, 0xF2, 0x0D, 0x00, 0xFE, 0x27};
    Serial2.write(bootSoundProhibit, sizeof(bootSoundProhibit));
    • Detection sound (still makes detection beep)
    uint8_t prohibit_prompt_sound_decode_mode_cmd[]  = {0x07, 0xC6, 0x04, 0x08, 0x38, 0x00, 0xFE, 0xEF};
    Serial2.write(prohibit_prompt_sound_decode_mode_cmd, sizeof(prohibit_prompt_sound_decode_mode_cmd));

    None of these are changing the sounds in the example I posted.
    Any help would be appreciated. (Beep sounds are not liked while
    in a quiet museum for example).


  • @flypeek Ok, that might be how to perform those operations via scanning the QR code itself, but how can I send the same messages as I showed in the previous post?

    I have turned off the QR scanning of these code, partially because I don't want clients to goof it up. I also got into a mode that was hard to get out of (can't remember exactly).

    Anyway, shouldn't I be able to send the messages with the Serial2.write?


  • It turns out that part of the solution is sending the host mode to the ATOM. My code above did not do that (thus none of the commands were working.)

    Not knowing the full state machine of the ATOM QR, I somehow assumed host and continuous were opposite modes - but I was mistaken.

    I'm still unclear on how to send the Setup Code Prompt that is shown in the QR code.

    So I have a version that makes no sounds - but I'm unclear if it was totally from the Serial2.write calls, and not from the scanning of that Setup Code Prompt mentioned
