M5Dial - bricked? Twice? No, some help needed
I have 2 M5Dial that worked fine, then I tried a project with a sprite using the TFT_eSPI library and all things went south...It nets down to that the M5Dials are not responding anymore, I can upload a basic "Hello World" sketch, but even the
USBSerial.print("hello world\n");
isn't displayed on the terminal. A more 'advanced' sketch withvoid setup() { USBSerial.begin(115200); delay(5000); USBSerial.printf("Starting...\n\n"); auto cfg = M5.config(); M5Dial.begin(cfg, true, false); M5Dial.Display.setTextSize(1); M5Dial.Display.drawString("testing", 25, 75); }
isn't showing on the Dial neither.
I've tried all the usual suspects, changing ports, cables, baudrates, but I don't get any response out of the two devices.
I'm using the PlatformIO setup and my platform.ini file looks like:[env:m5stack-stamps3] platform = espressif32 board = m5stack-stamps3 framework = arduino lib_deps = m5stack/M5Unified@^0.1.16 mbed-kazushi2008/HTTPClient@0.0.0+sha.cf5d7427a9ec bblanchon/ArduinoJson@^7.1.0 gilmaimon/ArduinoWebsockets@^0.5.4 bodmer/TFT_eSPI@^2.5.43 m5stack/M5Dial@^1.0.2 upload_speed = 115200 monitor_speed = 115200 board_upload.erase_flash = true
Is there any way I can restore the factory settings or do anything to get them back in working order?
Many thanks!
@thewall Have you tried using Erase in M5Burner?
as long comport is visible when M5Dial is connencted then you should be able to reload firmware or just use one of Easyloader samples from M5Dial documents web page