Certificate based MQTT (AWS IoT) trouble with changed umqtt
unfortunately the micropython certificate handling for MQTT has been changed last year. good description
Here is the new way to do it:# Create an SSL context context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS_CLIENT) context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED # Load certificates context.load_verify_locations(cafile='/flash/certificate/ca.der') context.load_cert_chain('/flash/certificate/cert.der', '/flash/certificate/key.der') mqtt = MQTTClient(client_id=client, server=endpoint, port=8883, keepalive=1200, ssl=context) print("Connecting to AWS IoT...") mqtt.connect() print("Done")
While the code and certificates work fine on ESP32-S3 Micropython they result in the following error on uiflow2
Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 74, in <module> File "<stdin>", line 52, in mqtt_connect File "/flash/libs/umqttn/simple.py", line 69, in connect File "ssl.py", line 1, in wrap_socket ValueError: The certificate validity has expired
I triple checked the certificate validity..
Next suspect would be an incorrect system time. Therfore I set the time as follows before attempting to initialize a mqtt connection:sta_if = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) sta_if.active(True) if sta_if.isconnected(): sta_if.disconnect() sta_if.connect(wifi_ssid, wifi_password) while not sta_if.isconnected(): utime.sleep(1) print("Connecting...") print("Connected:", sta_if.ifconfig()) print(f"time before NTP settime {time.localtime()}") ntptime.settime() print(f"time after NTP settime {time.localtime()}") import machine rtc = machine.RTC() # Set manually to a known correct UTC date/time: (year, month, day, weekday, hour, minute, second, microsecond) rtc.datetime((2025, 3, 14, 1, 14, 0, 0, 0)) print("Manually set time:", machine.RTC().datetime())
Still I get the same error:
Connecting... Connecting... Connecting... Connecting... Connected: ('', '', '', '') time before NTP settime (2025, 3, 14, 12, 8, 44, 5, 72) time after NTP settime (2025, 3, 14, 12, 8, 45, 5, 72) Manually set time: (2025, 3, 14, 5, 14, 0, 0, 67) Connecting to AWS IoT... MQTT Connection failed: The certificate validity has expired Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 79, in <module> File "<stdin>", line 57, in mqtt_connect File "/flash/libs/umqttn/simple.py", line 69, in connect File "ssl.py", line 1, in wrap_socket ValueError: The certificate validity has expired
I used the micropython/umqtt.simple/umqtt/simple.py implementation installed as module umqttn in the /flash/libs folder. It differs from the m5stack implementation (which is currently broken for certificate based MQTT due to the described changes in Micropython).
At this point I wonder why the same code (umqtt.simple, demo-code, exactly the same certificate files) work on an UMFeatherS2 MicroPython v1.24.1 but fail on MicroPython v1.24.0-dirty on 2025-03-06; M5STACK CoreS3 with ESP32S3.
I would happy for any hint on how to solve this.
@sistar_hh said in Certificate based MQTT (AWS IoT) trouble with changed umqtt:
unfortunately the micropython certificate handling for MQTT has been changed last year. good description
Here is the new way to do it:Create an SSL context
context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS_CLIENT) context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED # Load certificates context.load_verify_locations(cafile='/flash/certificate/ca.der') context.load_cert_chain('/flash/certificate/cert.der', '/flash/certificate/key.der') mqtt = MQTTClient(client_id=client, server=endpoint, port=8883, keepalive=1200, ssl=context) print("Connecting to AWS IoT...") mqtt.connect() print("Done")
While the code and certificates work fine on ESP32-S3 Micropython they result in the following error on uiflow2
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 74, in <module>
File "<stdin>", line 52, in mqtt_connect
File "/flash/libs/umqttn/simple.py", line 69, in connect
File "ssl.py", line 1, in wrap_socket
The certificate validity has expired
I triple checked the certificate validity..
Next suspect would be an incorrect system time. Therfore I set the time as follows before attempting to initialize a mqtt connection:sta_if = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF)
if sta_if.isconnected():
sta_if.connect(wifi_ssid, wifi_password)
while not sta_if.isconnected():
print("Connected:", sta_if.ifconfig())print(f"time before NTP settime {time.localtime()}")
print(f"time after NTP settime {time.localtime()}")
import machine
rtc = machine.RTC()Set manually to a known correct UTC date/time: (year, month, day, weekday, hour, minute, second, microsecond)
rtc.datetime((2025, 3, 14, 1, 14, 0, 0, 0))
print("Manually set time:", machine.RTC().datetime())
Still I get the same error:Connecting...
Connected: ('', '', '', '')
time before NTP settime (2025, 3, 14, 12, 8, 44, 5, 72)
time after NTP settime (2025, 3, 14, 12, 8, 45, 5, 72)
Manually set time: (2025, 3, 14, 5, 14, 0, 0, 67)
Connecting to AWS IoT...
MQTT Connection failed:
The certificate validity has expiredTraceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 79, in <module>
File "<stdin>", line 57, in mqtt_connect
File "/flash/libs/umqttn/simple.py", line 69, in connect
File "ssl.py", line 1, in wrap_socket
The certificate validity has expired
I used the micropython/umqtt.simple/umqtt/simple.py implementation installed as module umqttn in the /flash/libs folder. It differs from the m5stack implementation (which is currently broken for certificate based MQTT due to the described changes in Micropython).At this point I wonder why the same code (umqtt.simple, demo-code, exactly the same certificate files) work on an UMFeatherS2 MicroPython v1.24.1 but fail on MicroPython v1.24.0-dirty on 2025-03-06; M5STACK CoreS3 with ESP32S3.
I would happy for any hint on how to solve this.
Aha! When trying the following change:
context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS_CLIENT)
context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_OPTIONAL # Instead of CERT_REQUIRED
I successfully connected!