UIFlow 2 Button blocks broken
Hi All,
In UIFLow 2.0 the button blocks have recently become broken. In the drop down on the top of the block that performs an action when either button A,B or C is pressed, the option now only exists for button A:
I am using the Core 2.
Edit: I have seen that all other devices in UIFLow2.0 do not have buttons B or C and I have double checked to make sure the Core2 is selected and it is. This also affects all of my UIFlow2.0 projects
Hello @ewoodier84
hmm, I am not seeing that. I get to select from all three buttons in UIFlow2 V2.2.3 with M5Core2 selected.
The same is true when I load some of my older UIFlow2 programs.
Which browser are you using? I think UIFlow2 only works properly in Chrome. Maybe try to clear the cache?
Felix -
I am using chrome, I will try a cache clear. This applies both to new button blocks and existing in all projects. Any button blocks that had buttons B or C selected have reverted to button A in all of my projects.
Edit: Clearing cache did not work but on another laptop I can see all three buttons, definitely some kind of local issue.