Not able to burn UiFlow 2.0 Firmware
Hi all,
new to this and need a bit of help. I used flashed UiFlow and downloaded and ran the weather station (after fiddling with the code with syntax errors), played around with screen etc.
Downloaded and ran the Core Factory Test okay too.Decided to try UiFlow2.0.
Erased successfully and bound device, however, when I try config I get[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'E:\M5Burner-v3-beta-win-x64\packages\tmp\uiflow2-cfg.bin'
There is no config file saved in the Temp folder just a uiflow2.csv file.
If i select burn I get a similar Java script warning and I have to kill M5Burner as its totally unresponsive.
Any ideas or help would be appreciated.