Hello guys, how can I disable the power saving on M5Stack Fire, so even if the battery is below 25% the M5Stack stills running?
I tried this
But didn't work, as expected.
Any solutions?
Hello guys, how can I disable the power saving on M5Stack Fire, so even if the battery is below 25% the M5Stack stills running?
I tried this
But didn't work, as expected.
Any solutions?
Hello guys, how can I disable the power saving on M5Stack Fire, so even if the battery is below 25% the M5Stack stills running?
I tried this
But didn't work, as expected.
Any solutions?
Hello guys, how can I disable the power saving on M5Stack Fire, so even if the battery is below 25% the M5Stack stills running?
I tried this
But didn't work, as expected.
Any solutions?
Hello guys,
I want to add more battery to my M5Stack Fire 2.7, and I would like to know if this module https://shop.m5stack.com/products/battery-module is compatible with my M5Stack Fire.
By that, where can I find screws to assemble everything together, so my clients, don't disassembly the parts?
Thanks in advance.
Hello everyone,
I'm dealing with M5Stack Fire, and I'm trying to display Portuguese characters on display, until now without success.
So basically a simple program like
#include <M5Stack.h>
void setup() {
// Initialize the M5Stack
// Clear the screen and display a message
M5.Lcd.setCursor(50, 50);
M5.Lcd.print("Configuração está ok"); //Meaning: configuration it's ok
void loop() {
// No need to put anything in loop for this example
But this does not print the ç character, ã or even á.
I tried to load a custom font, but this is not good, because then I can't set it's size dynamically.
Is there any way to make the M5Stack fire support these characters?