I looked to the JPL website and the rover project.
It is well documented. But the parts are a littlex complex. Specially the motor mounting and assembly.
I would do it easier with parts from the 3D-printer and by use of ready-to-use assembled motors with gear and encoder.
For example: (with JST 6pin connector 2mm space)
These are the motors we're using as straight or rectangular version - good and powerfull.
The M5Stack components would fit perfectly - very easy to assemble and integrate in the chassis.
But ---- how connect the motors ??
In my first own design I found, that the rocker bogie suspension works perfect, if you control 4 motors indevidually. (on every side I "paired" 2 motors and controlled them together.)
Here you can see, how I made an integration - here I can use the M54Stack because I only need 2 DC motors
But as far as I see, I 'll use again RaspBerry or Arduino. There I have no problems to find all information.
(specially if I use Adafruit component´ts.)
I asked the tech-support from M5stack to give me a source were I can get the cables or motors from, they are showing in advertisement. Answer was : " .... sorry we do not support 4 dc motors .... " nothing more.
Because of that advertisement I bought a module and then I found, I cannot use it, it is only for LEGO.
But the text and the picture lets me believe I can use it.
This is "unfair" advertisement or whatever......
It would be easy to add on line of text or a spec of the used connector, so everybody can see --- no -- that's nothing for me.
Or - more customer-frindly - simple ad a adapter cable to the catalouge. (they are doing with LEGO cable, why not with othter cables)
Or - just use standard connectors.......