Agree with learning to crawl before running. Will just concentrate on REPL. The tutorial has many examples- machine, network etc... but these are not what I like to learn now. I like more basic stuff, like how to get the buzzer to play musical tune if it's possible. I have a PIR HAT, I'd like it to sound musical tune without putting a SPK HAT (can't with PIR on). For now, I will just forget about the ENV3.
Posts made by dididada
RE: Looking for kind souls to adopt this aged brain and eyes.
RE: Looking for kind souls to adopt this aged brain and eyes.
Ok, after further googling, I think I have to deal with pip, python3 and esptool in order to install Micropython on the Stick and also remeber that the Stick is not part of the laptop computer. Just like you mentioned earlier that the Micropython is part OS and BIOS. Wow! so many things have to go into this. How do I up vote your guys?
RE: Looking for kind souls to adopt this aged brain and eyes.
I downloaded the ' esp32-20220618-v1.19.1.bin ' and used Thonny to burn it, it wiped the flash before burning but after burning the Stick just wouldn't get up, I turned back to M5burner to get it back up. I don't know how to use esptool to wipe and burn. I seems like I was missing the Micropython or Python itself.
I am assuming that M5burner is as good or better than burning ' esp32-20220618-v1.19.1.bin ' on it. By using ' esp32-20220618-v1.19.1.bin ' did I miss out on some needed utilitie that causes the Stick to sleep.
RE: Looking for kind souls to adopt this aged brain and eyes.
Dyslexia and ADD, sound like my normal. Do I have to install Micropython+Python3, as well as burning it on to the Stick?
I am drawn to this hobby because of many Youtube clips make it looked simple and I don't have any modern day programming experience so I am gravitating toward Uiflow and I was thinking I might learn some things or two about Controller/IoT plus Micropython. I just started reading m5stack.h from Git hub last night and it's looked intimidating and I didn't see any reference to sht30 chip,which I assume it is used in ENV3. Reading this m5stack.h file, how do I see the contents of these files? on Git
#include "utility/ANYFILES.h"
Have thought about learning Arduino along the way but example codes looked very intimidating. Well, if "tempC = sht30.cTemp - 1;
can calibrate the Stick then I will revisit Arduino. My basic understand of programming is limit to Function call/return. nothing about object, class, header files, include and define. Teastain, will you please point out where I can download example Sketch to calibrate the Stick. I just want to know how it can be done with changing input data without burning the calibrating data directly on to the sht30 chip.
Thanks both of you for coaching. -
RE: Looking for kind souls to adopt this aged brain and eyes.
You sure have LOAD up there, wow! just those alone will probably take me years to read up, thanks for your advises. I have contacted support@m5 requested that they send me software/firmware to calibrate this Stick.
Personally, I am not up to the the job of calibrating. Casually thinking about the problem, it nearly impossible to calibrate it. If I use my thermostat to calibrate, it's only good for the first time, once. I notice, the env3 is fluctuating between 18f--33f, while the thermostat is set to around 67-68f With that, I don't have a acceptable target number to go by, only a wild constant but that won't do it. I might as well forget about this ENV3.
On micropython, what really confused me is to burn micropython on to the Stick, according to info from ,It seems to me that there are two portions of Micronpython, here I am assuming again that is what happen with burning the Stick with the Uiflow. This isn't like anything I learnt years ago. Am I correct to assume that the burnt in portion, is like PC BIOS ?This is fun but way more complicated than just write Dbase II or COBOL. I will keep trying, at least it will keeps dementia at a distant. Just hope that it won't turn into a stroke!! Hey, since I am here how do I save blocks on, click on the save icons either top or bottom left panels give me nothing, click on SaveAs, only option is PNG files. Another one, why do I need serial driver with M5 but not with Arduino, or I am just assuming that Arduino doesn't, or, because I already had the driver installed prior when burning Uiflow, then use Arduino after that. Oh, thank for differentiated the UNIT and HAT. Thanks.
RE: Looking for kind souls to adopt this aged brain and eyes.
Thanks much, now there is hope. Will you please give me advise , how should I go about tune this thing up, since it is block. I think I will have to do computation base on my thermometer output before sending it on to the screen, right? I programmed fifty years ago but will try to learn this new stuff. I used DOS 1.9 and Dbase III, since then I have played on/off with Linux, just resurrected old discard Window machines for friends and my grandkids. It's just a matter of burning a USB with Linux, boot from it, that's is it. So, at best I can do with Linux is cut/pastes. Well, thanks again. I will post once I get it to work,.
RE: Linux Uiflow keeps flipping the com port btwn tty04 and ttySB0
Ok, I am following with my post regarding the connection. First, I'd like to thank user 'ajb2k3' for trying to help. This is mainly user error, I saw the 'CONNECTING TO M5' flashing and the message just disappear' assuming that all was well and jump in to the mess. I wonder, what will it cost the system to have the 'CONNECTING TO M5' just hang in the loop, or issue a new message informing the users that he/she has not made a successful connection. I attribute it mainly to my carelessness. ASS U ME , always hurts.
Looking for kind souls to adopt this aged brain and eyes.
question are:-
What is the different btwn Unit and Hat on the left panel? Clicking the '+' symbol beneath either Unit or Hat gives me the same result of the Hats selections page.
Why is the ENV3 reading is way off, I attached my thermostat and the ENV3 output.
I was bitten badly using the Desktop IDE (had hard time connecting to flow.m5) not conscience of the missing HAT blocks in IDE, I just click on the '+' symbol under Unit on the left panel, picked ENV3 , went from there and got 'env3 unit maybe not connect' running the example blocks.
RE: ENV3 unit maybe not connect.
Resolved, the part that generated 'env3 unit maybe not connect' , I use the HAT (ENV) this time and don't get the error message. This, I still not sure that I blindly got it as I supposed to. Well, go on learning. Thanks.
RE: ENV3 unit maybe not connect.
@teastain , Thanks for the info. I am at this for days, have been back and fort with supports@m5, this makes me feel terrible stupid for not able to get this HAT to work. I was expecting that by copying the example blocks, I would be able to get it to work. (very new to this.) There isn't any other options to select, except ENV under UNIT. Also, I have flip to micropython to cut/paste the code , then ran it on Thonny, it failed there, too; this also happen under Arduino (cut/paste) M5 example code for Arduino. I float the idea to the support@m5 that the HAT might be faulty but nothing from support@m5 on this defective HAT issue. I failed to mention that this is about the m5stickc plus. I hope the support@m5 will see this and come up with something to help me out. Or, anybody else out there that is able to help. Thanks again.
ENV3 unit maybe not connect.
Hi All, I am not able to pinpoint my mistake copied example blocks, I hope someone can help me with this. I am not able to upload the error message to this forum, but it says 'ENV3 unit maybe not connect.' These is what I did:-
connect to
click on the '+' icon from the left panel;
selected ENV3 HAT from a HAT selections screen;
click UNIT, ENV, Read example, drag the example to form a functional block
click 'Run' and got the err msg mentions above. Thanks for your help. 
RE: Linux Uiflow keeps flipping the com port btwn tty04 and ttySB0
Ok, got a new laptop, burn with stickc plus firmware, default COM5 then launched Uiflow with default COM5; got 'disconnected' msg down the bottom left though it showed COM5 in the setting menu off the top right. This happens with Factory Default burning as well. So, on to the third burning, I erased what was there, download the firmware, setup the configuration to UBS START MODE, COM5 is only port available, same error msg 'disconnected' bottom left; this is an erroneous msg because the setting on the top right shows COM5 still sitting there; all error codes are 'Upload Codes Failed...'; so, I refresh the COM port; when connecting it always show Connecting M5, what is this M5 refers to? Well, I give up on try to learn anything the easy way with UIflow and will move on to take a more difficult approach with Arduino. Mean while, I only hope that someone will find what I did wrong to encounter this problem on both Linux and Windows. All the firmware were downloaded from M5stack, the IDE from Github. There isn't anything else running to contend for the COM port; device driver got installed per download package. Of the two drivers on Windows, only the got installed, the other one got msg that it was successfully installed in advance, I assumed all is well pertaining to that driver. Also, I read on the, that is alright to install both drivers. Before this, I installed Arduino but it isn't running at the moment nor the time that I went through Uiflow procedures.
RE: Linux Uiflow keeps flipping the com port btwn tty04 and ttySB0
Yes, two different cables with the same confusing result. Here is my observation of the Burner and IDE; Burner default to ttyUSB0, where as IDE ttyS4. I always select ttyUSB0 upon launching IDE and the result is the same, it will flip to ttyS4 in less than a minute. Do you think I will experience the same problem with Arduino? I will test on the new Laptop my kids brought me later and let you know the result--I hope it going to be better result than Linux. Thanks.
RE: Linux Uiflow keeps flipping the com port btwn tty04 and ttySB0
I only ran one at a time--Thonny or UIflow. I notice that whenever I start UIflow, it would flash 'connect to M5' , I just assume that it meant M5stack related things. But, I always selected ttyUSB0 to start the session, less than a minute after it lauch, it displayed 'disconnected' at the bottom of the screen. My kids told me they would get me a new Thinkpad tomorrow, I hope it will work with Windows os. Thanks for your help, I shall post my experience trying to get UIflow to work with the new Thinkpad tomorrow.
RE: Linux Uiflow keeps flipping the com port btwn tty04 and ttySB0
This old ThinkPad T430, has a optical drive and nothing else connecting to it except the StickPlus, with Stack firmware on it. I have not encounter problem with burning firmware v1.11.0, and it always default to COM ttyUSB0--only option. I select USB connection with UIflow but it got disconnected less than minute later. So, the firmware is able to keep ttyUSB0 in service but not UIflow nor Thonny. With Thonny I got 'device busy', with UIflow, it shows 'disconnected'; It always flips to ttyS4 or blank after I set it back to ttyUSB0. Of course, I run Thonny and UIflow seperately. Looks like I will have to wait for my Window system in January. I'd to thank you for taking time to shade some light in this.
RE: Linux Uiflow keeps flipping the com port btwn tty04 and ttySB0
Thanks much for the info, how can I proceed to resolve this issue? I just reinstalled mint linux and installed ftdi stuff. That's all I am able to do with Linux. I am able to burn the stickc plus. while waiting for the uiflow desktop to complete download, I tried Thonny and got 'device is busy', my window system is waiting for its battery and it won't arrive til sometimes in january. i hope, someone can give me a specific howto resovle this problem so i can start learning.
Linux Uiflow keeps flipping the com port btwn tty04 and ttySB0
Hi All, Can anyone help me out with the stated problem? I can't do (learn) anything. I also have problem with Thonny with this com port issue. I have user to the dialout group. Thanks.
Newbie UIflow questions.
Hi All, is there a specific UIflow forum, please provide a link if there is. Is there a PDF user manual to download (I don't know anything about Github). How to set the display orientation to horizontal. Thanks for any info. I apologize for anything that is inappropriate since this is my first post in any public forums, no kidding. Also, is there a miling list to receive any posting to the forumS ? Wish you all have a good day.