To control the speed of a 180-degree steering gear in UIFlow, you'll typically be working with a microcontroller like the M5Stack or a similar device. UIFlow provides a visual programming environment that allows you to write code using blocks, similar to Scratch, or you can use Python. To control the speed of the servo, you'll need to adjust the pulse width or angle in your code.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to control the speed of a 180-degree steering gear in UIFlow using blocks:

Set up your hardware:
Make sure your 180-degree steering gear is properly connected to your microcontroller. Typically, you'll connect the signal wire to one of the PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) pins on your microcontroller.

Open UIFlow:
Launch the UIFlow software on your computer.

Create a New Project:
Start a new project or open an existing one, depending on your needs.

Drag and Drop Servo Blocks:

Go to the "Servo" section in UIFlow's block palette.
Drag and drop the "Servo Write Degree" block into your workspace.
Configure the Servo Block:

Connect the servo block to an event or trigger, such as a button press or a timer.
Set the servo pin to the PWM pin you connected your servo to.
Set the degree value to control the position of your servo. This is where you control the speed.
To control the speed, you can gradually change the degree value from its current position to the desired position over a certain time. For example, if you want the servo to move from 0 degrees to 180 degrees gradually, you can use a loop and increase the degree value in small increments with a delay in between. This delay will determine the speed of the servo.

Upload and Run the Code:
Upload your code to the microcontroller and run it. You should see your 180-degree servo move according to the specified degree values, controlling its speed by adjusting the delay between position changes.

Here's a simple example of how you might control the servo's speed using UIFlow blocks:

*# Example UIFlow blocks
from m5stack import *
from m5ui import *

servo0.write_degree(0) # Start at 0 degrees

for degree in range(0, 181, 10): # Increase by 10 degrees
servo0.write_degree(degree) # Set the servo position
wait(0.5) # Adjust the delay to control speed*

This example will gradually move the servo from 0 to 180 degrees in 10-degree increments with a 0.5-second delay between each movement. You can adjust the delay to control the speed as needed.