@ajb2k3 Ohh! Thank you. :-)

Best posts made by Matej's Workshop
RE: [SOLVED] What is the new function Label+?
Core2 graphics
Hello, there are not enough display graphics in UIFlow for the Core2. For example the square is missing or circle and more.
M5EPD library grammar mistake
Hello, in the M5EPD library there is a grammar mistake with the command M5.TP.avaliable(). Shouldn't it be M5.TP.available()?
RE: How to add custom app to M5 burner?
@nick-n17 First you have to log-in with that account you are using, second go to user custom, third click publish and fill all the information needed and then click upload, fourth click publish.
Latest posts made by Matej's Workshop
RE: PCB LED stick
@JohnSal Or, you can just stick a wooden popsicle stick on it, so it won't be flexible! :-)
RE: Simple Hello World with PlatformIO and M5Dial
@uberdweeb Hello! Sorry for late answer, but I have the fix for it. All you need to do is modify the platformio.ini file, and write this into it:
[env:m5stack-stamps3] platform = espressif32 board = m5stack-stamps3 framework = arduino build_flags = -DARDUINO_USB_CDC_ON_BOOT=1 monitor_speed = 115200
Core2 graphics
Hello, there are not enough display graphics in UIFlow for the Core2. For example the square is missing or circle and more.
RE: Noisy M5StickC speaker hat
@emmeci I think that the SPK hat only supports beeping.
SDCard for M5Paper
Please include a SDCard function in UIFlow like in for example Core2!
Image+ problem
Hello, I have a M5StickC Plus and I'm programming it in UIFlow. The problem is that the M5StickC Plus freezes when trying to retrieve the image. The image format is JPG.
Here is the code:from m5stack import * from m5ui import * from uiflow import * from libs.image_plus import * from machine import WDT setScreenColor(0x111111) imageplus0 = M5ImagePlus(0, 0, url='*PRIVATE IMAGE SENDING IP*/mjpeg/1', timer=True, interval=500) @timerSch.event('timer1') def ttimer1(): global wdt wdt.feed() pass timerSch.run('timer1', 1000, 0x00) wdt = WDT(timeout=2000)
RE: M5StickC Plus image background
I used this website http://www.rinkydinkelectronics.com/t_imageconverter565.php to convert to I think RGB565 from PNG