Hello @paul-k how far did you get? Is the M5Core2 talking to the LoRa module? Keep in mind that the LoRa module was designed for M5Stack (Fire, Gray, etc.) and some GPIOs have changed from M5Stack to M5Core2. You can find a comparison here. I don't have the LoRa module, but from looking at the schematic this should be the GPIO mapping: LoRa      <-> M5Core2 <-> Name GPIO18  <-> GPIO18   <-> SCK GPIO23  <-> GPIO23   <-> MOSI GPIO19  <-> GPIO38   <-> MISO GPIO5    <-> GPIO33   <-> CS GPIO26  <-> GPIO26   <-> RST GPIO36  <-> GPIO36   <-> DIO0 / INT Note: on M5Core2 by default GPIO33 is used as external I2C (SCL) on the Groove port A. Luckily external I2C is not enabled by default so that should not interfere. Just keep in mind that you cannot use the LoRa module and external I2C. Thanks Felix