Hello @felmue
I'm trying several codes, including the native sample code "Hello World":
#include <M5Core2.h>
void setup(){
M5.begin(); //Init M5Core2. Initialize M5Core2
/* Power chip connected to gpio21, gpio22, I2C device
Set battery charging voltage and current
If used battery, please call this function in your project */
M5.Lcd.print("Hello World"); // Print text on the screen (string) Print text on the screen (string)
/* After the program in setup() runs, it runs the program in loop()
The loop() function is an infinite loop in which the program runs repeatedly
After the program in the setup() function is executed, the program in the loop() function will be executed
The loop() function is an endless loop, in which the program will continue to run repeatedly */
void loop() {
See my environment configuration:

The data in the serial monitor comes from my Core2 when running the factory code.
The only thing I haven't tried yet is to record my device from a different computer.
I'll try to do that.