Hello all, I have used other CATM modems before (Nordic, U-Blox), I am hoping the M5 will outperform the others I have tried. I have bought several M5 modems and deployed to my team, along with activated Hologram cards. First, I am trying to set up and do "hello world" over network. Either by reaching the Hologram pseudo server ore being able to send SMS to even one endpoint phone on common carrier network in USA (ATT, Verizon, T-mobile).
Here is how far I have reached and AT commands used;
AT_CREG:0,5 > roaming on
Network (new)
+CSQ: 27,99 > Antenna Strength
AT+CGATT=1 > test data connection
Now here is where I cannot get past;
AT+CIICR > error
I have tried many other of the connection AT commands, I cannot get any further that above. Again, ether sending SMS or reaching Hologram Psuedo Server would suffice, no luck so far.
Can anyone point me to a complete AT list of confirmed commands that will complete some sort of end-to-end communication?