@tinkerer I made a quick reader nothing special and this is on a Basic Core unit quick video showing it working https://youtu.be/qvtr6Vy-HwY The Tags I use are these ones make sure the port is correct otherwise the bytes out of range error pops up from m5stack import * from m5ui import * from uiflow import * import unit setScreenColor(0x222222) uhf_rfid_0 = unit.get(unit.UHF_RFID, unit.PORTA) uhf_rfid_0.set_region(uhf_rfid_0.REGIN_US) uhf_rfid_0.automatic_freq_hopping(0xFF) uhf_rfid_0.set_channel_freq(924.25) epc_bool = 0 uhf_rfid_0.set_select_mode(0x01) label0 = M5TextBox(128, 59, "Tag #", lcd.FONT_Default, 0xFFFFFF, rotate=0) label1 = M5TextBox(22, 106, "waiting ... ", lcd.FONT_Default, 0xFFFFFF, rotate=0) while True: # while not temp: temp = uhf_rfid_0.single_polling() if temp: # label10.setText(str(temp)) print("-----") print(temp[0]) print(temp[1]) print("-----") label1.setText(temp[0]) wait(.5)