Hello @felmue
Thanks for your note. You're completely correct.
I've set the DIP switch to 5V. When in that configuration
With the COM.LoRaWAN868 v2.0 connected to the Fire board and it's battery (in my case M5GO battery + a BATTERY 13.2 for long life), I get 5V going into the green board from the main PCB. See:

And as you say there is a regulator which drops the voltage to 3.3V (in my case ~4.9V in, then I see 3.28V and 3.3V at the test pads but that could be due to my cheap meter).
So then, I guess the COM.LoRaWAN868 v2.0 should actually work without any additional power source? I'm going to test that next. It should as I think, as aside from the voltage regulator, the green board doesn't seem to have anything active components on it.
The main board is a bit confusing as it also seems to have unused elements wherein one could also have a microphone MIC and a SPKR connected to it, but these elements remain unpopulated. I wonder what that was for.
