StickC Plus + PaHUB + 3 Ultrasonic I2C units

  • @robot_alf
    A couple of thoughts: shows similar steps (likewise working from a Core-based device), but I noticed he doesn't Add/+ the PaHUB unit, although it is there to select from as a port (however this video does add This might just be an oversight, but I tried it in UIFlow and it does appear in the port dropdown without Add/+.

    The difference is the one pahub_0 line, you could try without. Also, I did note in the comments of the video above others who experienced problems using M5StickC & PaHUB :(.

    without add/+

    Ultrasonic_0 = unit.get(unit. ULTRASONIC, unit.PAHUB0)

    with add/+

    Ultrasonic_0 = unit.get(unit. ULTRASONIC, unit.PAHUB0)
    pahub_0 = unit.get(unit.PAHUB, unit. PORTA)

    2nd thought, I'm assuming the 20cm cables included in the Ultrasonic sensors are in use and approx. the same StickC Plus to PaHub. No bad pins, poor connections, excessive length, etc. Again thinking power, I was wondering if you could connect the Core2 to one of the 6 inputs, if possible 5V/GND only, to check/confirm sufficient supply on VCC. 3x Ultrasonic should be well within the 500mA from StickC Plus but just in case. Thinking along this line, do you have any other sensors to try (simple switches or similar)?

    Looping @m5stack , I think we have a common issue, so any assistance gratefully received please.
    Alt ref:

  • I checked everything several times. Everything works fine for me with Core2, but it doesn’t work with StickC Plus. Moreover, I see the ultrasonic sensor connected through the PaHub if I select PortA for the sensor. And the same time the sensor not found when PAHUB0 port is selected.
    The problem is that we wanted to make a little size machine with 3 ultrasonic sensors and two servo360 for wheels. Core2 requires external power for the servo. StickC Plus has a servo module with a built-in battery that suitable for mobility devices with small dimensions but we can't use ultrasonic devices.
    Ok, I still trying to find a solution how to connect 3 ultrasonic sensors for the StickC Plus.
    To check my case and got the same error is very easy. Just connect ultrasonic sensor through pahub, add the hub and the sensor in UIFlow to the StickC Plus controller and run the project with empty code.

  • @robot_alf, An alternate option for you, (I have it, and it works well). This would drive the servos (it has a small battery), or I use external 6x AA pack and DC barrel jack connector.

    Then either PaHUB I2C to sensors or it has 3x GPIO ports for alternate ultrasonic modules with GPIO ports (black not red), but that would, unfortunately, mean a sensor rebuy.

  • @robot_alf, It would mean a switch to Arduino, but maybe this would help with fault finding (example for PaHub, which happens to use StickC)
    I'm thinking scan down through the tree to see where it's connected.

  • Hello guys

    the following worked for me (M5StickCPlus fw 1.12.3, PaHub, 2x ultrasonic unit *)).

    *) I don't actually have an ultrasonic unit - I simulated two of them with two ESP32C3 acting as I2C slaves on address 0x57.

    Note: I did not add PaHub as unit. Just the two Ultrasonic units.

    from m5stack import *
    from m5ui import *
    from uiflow import *
    import unit
    Ultrasonic_0 = unit.get(unit.ULTRASONIC, unit.PAHUB0)
    Ultrasonic_1 = unit.get(unit.ULTRASONIC, unit.PAHUB1)
    label0 = M5TextBox(37, 38, "label0", lcd.FONT_Default, 0xFFFFFF, rotate=0)
    label1 = M5TextBox(38, 115, "label1", lcd.FONT_Default, 0xFFFFFF, rotate=0)

    Edit: I just thrown in four additional I2C units (RFID, EXT.IO2, Gesture and 4 Relay), all connected to the PaHub and everything still works fine for me.


  • @felmue Hi Felix, where can I find more information on I2C slaves?
    I could never get Master/Slave to work on ESP32.
    A snippet of sample code would be REALY(!) nice.
    Thanks. -Terry

  • @felmue Out of curiosity, could you try adding PaHub as a unit (Port A) and see if everything still works correctly?

  • @felmue looks like the same code that return "ultrasonic not found" at start, but I will check it.

  • I have made a simple test for Arduino and it works. It show that hardware part is working correct need just fix the problem in the code for UIFlow.

    #include <M5StickCPlus.h>
    #include <Unit_Sonic.h>
    #include "ClosedCube_TCA9548A.h"
    #define PaHub_I2C_ADDRESS 0x70
    ClosedCube::Wired::TCA9548A tca9548a;
    SONIC_I2C sensor;
    void setup() {
        M5.Lcd.setTextColor(YELLOW, TFT_BLACK);
        M5.Lcd.println(("PaHUB Example"));
        M5.Lcd.setTextColor(TFT_WHITE, TFT_BLACK);
    void loop() {
      static float newvalue = 0;
      for (uint8_t channel = 0; channel < 6; channel++) {
        M5.Lcd.print(" = ");
        newvalue = sensor.getDistance();
        if ((newvalue < 4000) && (newvalue > 20)) {
          M5.Lcd.printf("%.2fmm", newvalue);
        } else {

  • Hello guys

    @teastain : See example here.

    @gavin67890 : yes it still works when I add PaHub as unit on Port A.

    @robot_alf : have you tried something similar in UiFlow/Micropython? E.g. only adding one Ultrasontic unit and then manually select the PaHub port/channel?


  • @robot_alf Have you tried Download rather than just Run from UIFlow? I had it on another project that refused to Run, but worked OK from Download.

    Other than that, perhaps just recheck all again from the top, right StickC model (original or Plus), right units for PaHUB and Ultrasonic, etc. Did you want to add some screenshots from UIFlow, Blocky, Python, etc. Maybe with a few pairs of eyes we can spot something (remember to hide your API Key).

  • @gavin67890 Download not working. I think it is the same like run app just the controller switched to the "app" mode instead of "internet" mode.

  • 0_1693946459135_4a3ee96e-095d-4cd6-b8ab-4c08594362e2-image.png
    This is crazy but this code working with 3 sensors )
    The pahub and ultrasonic was selected to PortA. And sometimes I see distance from incorrect sensor. I think again that hardware part is working, but code for StickC Plus controllers have some bugs.
    M5Stack engineers, could you please send me python libraries for pahub and ultrasonic? Maybe I can help to investigate the problem. I don't want to spend time for reverse engineering them from bin-file of UIFlow firmware )

  • This code also working but need to connect sensors to 1,2,3 ports of pahub, not to 0,1,2

    #include <M5StickCPlus.h>
    #include <Unit_Sonic.h>
    #include "ClosedCube_TCA9548A.h"
    #define PaHub_I2C_ADDRESS 0x70
    ClosedCube::Wired::TCA9548A tca9548a;
    SONIC_I2C sensor;
    void setup() {
    void loop() {
      static float newvalue = 0;
      for (uint8_t channel = 0; channel < 3; channel++) {
        M5.Lcd.printf("%i = ", channel);
        newvalue = sensor.getDistance();
        if ((newvalue < 4000) && (newvalue > 20)) {
          M5.Lcd.printf("%.2fmm   ", newvalue);
        } else {
          M5.Lcd.print("ERR        ");

  • @robot_alf "need to connect sensors to 1,2,3 ports of pahub, not to 0,1,2"

    There are 2 hard problems in computer science: cache invalidation, naming things, and off-by-1 errors :D

  • @robot_alf That's encouraging.
    I take that label0 is Ultrasonic_0
    , label1 is Ultrasonic_1
    , label2 is Ultrasonic_2
    What happens if you complete the three unit ultrasonic set (by adding (Add/+) two more Ultrasonic units)?
    Have you tried increasing the Wait?

  • For reference/comparison. From drag and drop controls in UIFlow, I added the PaHUB first then 3x Ultrasonics (sub images pasted in and config as shown bottom right). The loop I know to work from my StickC and Ultrasonic unit. Drag in 3x labels and connect the dots.
    0_1693979509477_Screenshot 2023-09-06 at 06.46.52.png
    0_1693979912312_Screenshot 2023-09-06 at 06.57.32.png

  • Hmmm... I did the same several times and always not worked. Which PaHub are you used? I2C Hub 1 to 6 Expansion Unit (PCA9548APW) or [EOL] I2C Hub 1 to 6 Expansion Unit (TCA9548A) ?

  • Hi @robot_alf, I bit the bullet and bought some more hardware. So, now there are two of us in the same position.

    1x StickC (freshly flashed from M5Burner v1.12.4)
    1x M5Stack I2C Hub 1 to 6 Expansion Unit (PCA9548APW) SKU: U040-B
    2x M5Stack Ultrasonic Distance Unit I2C (RCWL-9620) SKU: U098-B1

    Strating from a new UIFlow, click Run, and (drumroll please)... "X Ultrasonic unit maybe not connect", FFS.

    The good news, I have a ENV III here, so I connected it and got the same error. Take out the Ultrasonic and it works fine (PaHub Added/+ or not). Excellent, so back to the blocks in UIFlow. I can see that the Ultrasonic unit from the ? link is SKU: U098, both of mine are SKU: U098-B1 – the "Sonic" rather than "Ultrasonic", no unit for that in UIFlow. Comparing the notes for U098 vs U098-B1, I came across this line: "This allows for easy I2C integration and multi-sensor operation using a single BUS, to save I/O resources.", interesting.

    Hmm, [now rummaging around for all sorts of hardware] Groove2Duponts, check, breadboard, check, off we go...

    Switched to Core2 and transferred all the rest of the hardware, inc. PaHub, same UIFlow setup, and guess what... it works as expected. Two independent readings/labels. NB Keep sensors a little bit apart to avoid cross talk.

    I tried additionally with power from I2C port of Core2 and no change “X Ultrasonic unit maybe not connect”. Very annoying.

  • @gavin67890 yes it works perfect for Core2. I have the problem only on StickC Plus.
    Okay, I tried to switch my project from PaHub to PbHub. I have such a hub too. I compared the photo of Ultrasonic I2C and IO versions (thanks a lot to M5 for this) and saw that it can be easily re-soldered I2C to IO. I made an IO out of one I2C sensor and it works fine, but not through PbHub. Actually now I'm at a dead end now ) It looks that I can't make a small mobile machine with two servos360 and three ultrasonic sensors on the StickC Plus (

    M5 engineers could you please add a function "get distance from ultrasonic" for PbHub?