m5paper Looking for way of making a hybrid of these 2 programs
I recently got my M5 paper, and got it working (much rejoicing). However, I would like to query if anyone has successfully done a hybrid of the following programs:
Hello World Demo.
Scrolling Long Text Demo.My goal is to get the same size of text that I can from the scrolling Long text Demo, by adjusting the Sprite Size (Width+300, +300) , with Size 5 of JapaneseInchop_32 as the text base.
While, making it a simple hello world, where it just generates the Text I desire without scrolling.
That would be a huge help, I presume its 'easy' as most hello world programs are, but i keep on popping errors with the hello world program because the way M5 graffix calls compared to M5 Standard calls, are significantly different.
Any help would be a giant help, just don't like how small the text displays for the basic hello world.