TVOC/eCO2 accuracy
Hey friends:
I made a simple sketch that displays the CO2eq and TVOC values on a display.
I have a highly accurate aranet4 to compare to. I know the sensor in the TVOC/eCO2 is not a true CO2 sensor but was curious if there's a way to adjust it to more closely match the value on the aranet4.
I'm going to let it run all night and see if it gets any closer. Right now here's what I'm seeing:
TVOC/eCO2 - 400
aranet4 - 560The sensor seems never to deviate from 400 unless I blow on it.
Ok so interesting results; after letting the device run all night it did eventually get quite close to the Aranet4 readings for CO2.
@greenleaf Can you set up some kind or record to show the reading from both over a long time?
I haven't done a long term test so I'm curious.
If you can map the deviation between the two then you should be able to tune the sensor.
Also some thing else to check is if they are reading at the same resolution.