Unable to run UIFlow or M5Burner on Win10
Hi @zorfox, during first start up of my m5stack i went also in problems with m5burner.
On a second laptop the m5burner runs well.
Then back to the first laptop it runs, but i took an other usb-port.
Test other usb-ports at your pc, may be that this is the problems solution.
@zorfox said in Unable to run UIFlow or M5Burner on Win10:
@mati That is an excellent idea! Unfortunately, I just tried disabling my antivirus and firewall without success. In fact, I tried running the files on my Wife's laptop (Windows 7) and had the same issue. As far as running as administrator, I previously tried this as well. Below is the operating system details as requested. However, since it didn't run on another PC using a different OS I doubt it's related to which system I'm using. Thanks for the reply. It was in fact something I had not considered.
Edition: Windows 10 Home
Version: 1803
OS Build: 17134.950ok let's go deeper ..
M5Burner after small debug looks like need a Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015
https://www.microsoft.com/en-US/download/details.aspx?id=48145since i have visual studio code installed all old and C++ stuff is installed.
Try to follow this path. This is strange we have nothing about req to run this. Also node.js is installed on my both systems.And some more...
Inside M5burner after repack in root folder we have M5burner.exe with is shortcut to \bin\M5Burner.exe with is 91 758KB file. i guess you have try it as well.M5burner looks like its node.js electron .exe so try to check in %LOCALAPPDATA%\CrashDumps if there is any crash file with m5burner.exe
Ultimate solution and tryout is grab this VM winsows 10 with all visual studio stuff:
The file signature has been detected,signature: Microsoft Visual C# v7.0 / Basic .NET,5
https://electronjs.org/docs/tutorial/windows-store-guide system req spec to run electron .exeAnd last one if you are working on Acer NB/DT check this out ;D
https://github.com/electron-userland/electron-prebuilt-compile/issues/36 -
@mati Hello Mati,
Thanks for your reply and I'm sorry for the delayed response.
I did have the C++ redistributable installed, Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable (x86) 14.0.24215.1. I have Visual studio installed on this machine. Therefore, I have many of the libraries such as C++, J#, .NET framework, etc. My OS is also up to date on all the updates, including the anniversary update which appears to be needed for electron applications.
I did not have node.js installed. I went ahead and installed it. However, I am still experiencing the same issue.
Running the \bin\M5Burner.exe file displays a prompt,
"This app can't run on your PC. To find a version for your PC, check with the software publisher."
This does not appear when running the shortcut executable.I did not have any M5burner dump files. I did have several for UIflow however. I can send them to you if need be. I'm not able to read nor understand the contents of the report(s).
The virtual machine is a good idea. Unfortunately, my internet speed is only 10mbs and a few gigabytes would take ALONG time. Even if it worked it would not solve my primary issue.
As far as the machine I use, it's not an ACER. It's a desktop that I put together myself.
I appreciate all your effort!
@zorfox i have bad news for you, all works fine in VM, please check it out, after launch m5burner.exe i have to confirm and expand More info to run it. Then windows will recognize what is missing and autodownload will take a action. At end after relaunch all is fine ...
Did you saw this ?
VM from MS have to be pimped to 8GB of Vram and 8 vCPU's, default 2G and 1CPU was to lazy.
In any case of follow up i have no clue what else we can do. Its last chance in M5stack tech support via mail.
Its might caused by the 'windows defender' set at a high-security level. Try to lower the security level.At the top item unselect forbidden to warning.
@liushasha Same problem here !! :-(
When I open the M5burner exe file (last version on m5doc site is M5Burner-v3-beta-win-x64) nothing happens. All I get is a black screen. (The left side of it is ok -shows all the options (CORE, Stick C, Atom...etc)
I did received that blue screen of Windows Defender but clicking on "More Info", you can install it anyway....
But tried also going to Windows Defender page and disabling the apps and files verification (Nothing happened). Tried disbling the AVAST antivirus (nothing again)
Is there a M5burner exe "not beta" working ???
Thanks ! -
@Lupa13 Have you installed the latest python and have you installed ESPTools ?
@Zorfox said in Unable to run UIFlow or M5Burner on Win10:
@mati That is an excellent idea! Unfortunately, I just tried disabling my antivirus and firewall without success. In fact, I tried running the files on my Wife's laptop (Windows 7) and had the same issue. As far as running as administrator, I previously tried this as well. Below is the operating system details as requested. However, since it didn't run on another PC using a different OS I doubt it's related to which system I'm using. Thanks for the reply. It was in fact something I had not considered.
Edition: Windows 10 Home
Version: 1803
OS Build: 17134.950Tried disabling antivirus/firewall, and running on a different PC—same issue. Admin mode didn’t help either. Appreciate the suggestion though!
@Zorfox said in Unable to run UIFlow or M5Burner on Win10:
I have downloaded both M5Burner.zip and UIFlow-Desktop-IDE. After extraction(s) I am unable to run either applications, UIFlow-Desktop-IDE.exe and M5Burner.exe. When double clicking the files I see a wait icon for a few seconds and nothing happens. I also tried running from command promt. I have attempted running as administrator as well as using all compatibility settings available.
It seems like a missing dependency or blocked execution issue. Try disabling antivirus, installing required drivers, or checking port 7181 usage. Also, verify system requirements and reinstall both applications. Let me know!
Update your system and install the latest version of UIFlow or M5Burner if they are not running on Windows 10. Ensure that the CP210x USB to UART drivers have been installed. Ensure that the software is run as an Administrator and that conflicting applications using the COM port are closed. Disable your antivirus/firewall temporarily and reinstall the software if necessary. As a result of these steps, connectivity and execution issues can be resolved, ensuring that M5Stack tools operate smoothly.