Problems with Vibrator Motor Unit in uiflow
The Vibrator Motor Unit is still missing as a unit in uiFlow 1.2.3 and 1.4.5. The official sample code ( ) won't work with M5Stack fire. The program always crashes when I try to digitalWritePin 26. Any ideas how to get vibrator motor working?
you need to use the PWM blocks instead of digitalwrite, digital write is just for off and on but PWM can control the speed of the motor
Same thing for me on the Fan unit (which has the same N20 motor as the Vibrator motor unit). I tried PWM on Pin 26, but it just crashes after running the program.
Even if I upload an empty flow with blank setup and loop functions, as soon as the M5Stack Fire boots, it tries to start the fan and crashes/reboots.
I'm testing on Port B. If I switch to Port A, that port has power all the time and turns the motor on full blast and I'm not able to control it.
Don't use it on port A use it only on port B.
Confirmed, the motor doesn't work properly.
I am sure that the unit only works as on or off as it only has an on/off transistor not a PWMable transistor.