[Solved] UnitV unable to find april-tags
I can detect april-tags with the StickV, but not with the UnitV AI camera. For the UnitV I use the same code, but without the LCD calls. Here's the code:
import sensor import image import math print("start script") sensor.reset() sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.RGB565) sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QQVGA) # 160 x 120 pixel sensor.run(1) sensor.skip_frames(30) print("start loop...") while True: img=sensor.snapshot() tags = img.find_apriltags() # defaults to TAG36H11 without “families”. if len(tags) > 0: for tag in img.find_apriltags(): # defaults to TAG36H11 without “families”. #img.draw_rectangle(tag.rect(), color = (255, 0, 0)) #img.draw_cross(tag.cx(), tag.cy(), color = (0, 255, 0)) degress = 180 * tag.rotation() / math.pi print(tag.id(),degress)
I have uploaded the latest firmware. What can be the reason that no april-tags are detected?
OK, I found the cause: The image from the camera was mirrored. So the tag could not be detected. I found the error when I tried to detect QR codes:
Then I added the following line of code to mirror the image:
After that, the QR code was detected correctly:
Now, also april tags are working:
Nice one, what firmware are you using for the UnitV?
@kylebuttress Same as for the M5StickV
maixpy_v0.5.0_98_gbd7c7ab_m5stickv.bindownloaded here:
https://dl.sipeed.com/MAIX/MaixPy/release/master -
@hague thanks for the info that's a newer version than I have cheers
@hague good to see! Could you tell me how fast it can run? FPS and at resolution? Thanks!