M5StickC - M5.LCD draws only a part of the display
Hello to all, I have a big problem.
I’m not able to draw the the whole display on my M5Stick C.Every calls to the M5.LCD object draws just an area of the display.
Seems to be a “scale” problem, but I never seen such issue.In the attached image, the white box is the area I’m able to draw
Someone has a similar problem
Sadly the M5Stack support doesn’t answers to may email

Its seems M5stickC Plus which have screen with greater resolution that M5StickC. Maybe you need or update a new m5stick libraries to use with bigger screen. Ewentually look into source files of library and find const/vars with screen resolution, maybe they are hardcoded.
I will try today!! Thanks a lot
There is aM5StickPlus library !! Thanks a lot!