How to access LCD directly in micro python and UIFlow 2

  • I want to do some custom code in a function that needs to access the screen module directly. I have the import * from M5 and other imports but when I try lcd.function it says object has no attribute 'lcd'. How would I do some lower level draw functions / screen functions? Is there any module / lib source code that I can look at to see what functions are available like from the Widget module?

  • if you use UIFlow you can switch the workspace to code view and see the UI function codes

  • @ajb2k3 is is possible to use M5 libraries directly in naive micropython firmware?

  • @codeblue no because the M5 libraries are not part of native Micropython.
    For Mainstream Micropython you will need to find the equivalent Micropython libraries and add them to Micropython using Thonny.