Stamp Pico and connecting more than one unit

  • I am creating a project using a Stamp Pico with a PIR sensor connected to the grove port. I want to connect a single relay unit to the Pico also. As there are no other grove ports I specified ‘custom’ for the port for the relay unit. I chose what came up initially, that was pins 21 and 22. My question is do I need to define the GPIO pins in UI flow (v1.13.2) in Python or can I stay using Blockley and they will be automatically defined?
    Am I indeed using suitable pins for connecting the relay unit to the Pico?
    Thanks for any/all help offered.

  • Hello @Kombistack

    PIR unit only needs one input GPIO and the relay unit only needs one output GPIO. You can combine both to the same Groove port with default GPIOs using a Groove-T connector.
    Below UIFlow blocks turn the relay on and off, depending on what the PIR sensor reports:



  • @felmue said in Stamp Pico and connecting more than one unit:

    PIR unit only needs one input GPIO and the relay unit only needs one output GPIO.

    Thanks felmue I did get this working.